Twist And Turns, That Loss, It Burns

Today on Maddowblog, Steve Benen notes President Trump remains obsessed with former rival Hillary Clinton:

This morning, the president added to his list in rather dramatic fashion. Trump tweeted:

“So why aren’t the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations?”

Note, since becoming president, every investigation Trump has called for has been … how do I put this gently … quite bonkers.

Indeed, while we’ve all become quite accustomed to Trump saying deeply strange things, especially via social media, this morning’s missive was quite a bit worse than his usual fare.

Whether he understands this or not, presidents are not supposed to encourage the Justice Department to go after their political rivals. Trump’s authoritarian instincts routinely do not serve him well.

But keep in mind how President Trump chided former press secretary Sean Spicer when Spicer was lampooned by, well, a woman:

… Politico reported that Trump, a two-time SNL host turned vicious SNL critic, did not like the idea that a woman was playing one of his top aides. “Trump doesn’t like his people to look weak,” an unnamed Trump donor told them. [The Daily Beast]

Trump may have authoritarian instincts, but I don’t think we need to appeal to that explanation for his continual attacks on Hillary Clinton. I think Trump’s a misogynist, and it absolutely grinds on him that he lost to a woman.

But I suppose that’s not a surprise to anyone, really.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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