That’s A Big Pile Of Evidence, Son

While watching Colbert tonight, I flashed on a scene from, I believe, the movie Minority Report (2002), a Tom Cruise movie in which he plays a futuristic cop whose prime mechanism for finding criminals is a group of three psychics who predict who will commit the next murder; it’s Cruise’s responsibility to find the soon-to-be criminal before the crime is committed, and arrest him or her for contemplating such an action.

In Cruise’s character’s backstory is the element that his own young son was kidnapped years earlier, and never found. Cruise hasn’t given up hope, and near the end of the movie he’s led to a hotel room where he finds a bed covered with photographs of his son on the last day he ever saw him.

This is supposed to manipulate him into killing the man who has rented the room and soon returns. However, as a cop with many years of experience, he knows that evidence is often scant and hard to see.

This looks wrong, he may have whispered. Or perhaps it was something else. I haven’t seen Minority Report in a while.

And perhaps this is what bothers me the most about Donald Trump, Jr.’s dump of his email into Twitter yesterday. Not only does it appear to be madness and ignorance on a grand scale, it’s a fucking avalanche of evidence. It’s as if he painted himself with glow in the dark rocket fuel and lit himself on fire. All eyes are on him.

So what are we all missing here? Mr. Special Counsel Robert Mueller, are you distracted by this as well? Or do you see a ball in the air that I, at least, seem to be missing?

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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