“Tyrannical Decrees” Says It All

From German newspaper Der Spiegel opines on the current American President:

Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds nor the tasks associated with it. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t bother to peruse important files and intelligence reports and knows little about the issues that he has identified as his priorities. His decisions are capricious and they are delivered in the form of tyrannical decrees.

So which Roman Emperor best fits Donald Trump? While I’m sympathetic to those who vote for Commodus, the childish-man who becomes the Emperor in Gladiator (2000), and the leering, evil Tiberius of The Robe (1953) and its sequel, Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954) was nearly equally appalling, for sheer infamy, Nero may best apply to President Trump. Self-centered, surrounded by dubious family, and apt to any action, no matter how immoral or unthinkable (Nero had his mother murdered), it’s hard not to like this particular comparison.

But they all have in common a quality of un-Americanness which also marks the current President.

Have another opinion? Send it in, I’ll read up on that favorite nefarious emperor of your’s.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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