Wanna Cry Uncle

The latest major computer virus crisis, the WannaCry attack, is just making me tired. I realized this while I was driving home from work today, listening to NPR report on the latest developments.

I caught myself thinking that the Internet might be more trouble than it’s worth.

Update your computer. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. Ever get the feeling there’s a basic flaw in how we do everything on the Internet? Surely, I was just a little tired, a little annoyed with some of my coworkers.

But now I’m wondering how many people are being driven away from the Internet by these incidents. Folks who’ve overcome the addictive element of the Internet and have calmly evaluated the aggravations of the Internet vs what good it can bring.

And decide to walk away.

There are always places where people can telecommunicate about making their lives simpler. Getting rid of stuff, not watching so much TV, trying to figure out what’s important.

And when the Internet falls into that bin … another potential customer going offline. No more trolls, no more viruses. Not that the real world lacks in aggravation, but perhaps it’s not so intense. Depending on where you live.

There is a certain allure to the idea, though.

Maybe I am just tired, though. After all, I started in the early 1980s. But I can certainly see other folks frowning over these sorts of things and finally deciding not to return. At least, until they run into that annoying fellow parishioner…

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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