Don’t Gore Me!, Ctd

Representative Chaffetz (R-Utah), the subject of this thread, has announced he will not run for re-election in 2018. He’s been noted on this thread for his attempts to sell off public lands, and has had other recent gaffes such as ill-chosen (read: laughable) remarks concerning health care vs iPhones, claims that popular demonstrations against repeal of the ACA is conducted by “paid protesters”, and not investigating, as Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, various obvious problems with the current Administration (Flynn, etc). CNN reports that he also mounted a campaign to be elected Speaker of the House.

So he’s not an unambitious man. His party loyalty, so ill-serving the country, may put him in good stead for future opportunities.

Rumored to be interested in the position of Utah governor, it’s hard to say if he’s not liking his re-election chances, he’s tired of D.C., or if he truly wishes to move into an executive position, with a possible run at the White House. Currently 50 years old, that suggests an election in 2020 to the governorship, 4 years of experience, and a possible run when he’s 58 – eminently reasonable, given the age of recent candidates (Trump is 70).

Or maybe he’s following orders. Note this report from Utah Policy, dated 11 April:

Rep. Jason Chaffetz has taken a political hit for his recent controversial statements according to a new survey.

52% of Chaffetz’s constituents in the 3rd Congressional District view him favorably, which is a far cry from the 73.5% he got just last November in the 2016 election. The latest number is also a 14-point drop from a similar survey conducted last February. …

Despite the opposition, it may prove difficult to oust Chaffetz in 2018, but there is a danger lurking. While Republicans support Chaffetz, Democratic and independent voters have turned on him, which could prove problematic next year.

Perhaps he’s being pushed aside for a less tainted candidate? It’ll be harder to run against a fresh GOP face than his rather soiled one.

But my speculation is more or less just a chart of possibilities, given his opportunities, age, and demonstrated ambition. Something to keep in mind as the years pass.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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