Is It Evolution Or A Drunken Random Walk?, Ctd

Andrew Sullivan indulges in a therapy vent concerning President Trump:

What on earth is the point of trying to understand him when there is nothing to understand? Calling him a liar is true enough, but liars have some cognitive grip on reality, and he doesn’t. Liars remember what they have said before. His brain is a neural Etch A Sketch. He doesn’t speak, we realize; he emits random noises. He refuses to take responsibility for anything. He can accuse his predecessor and Obama’s national security adviser of crimes, and provide no evidence for either. He has no strategy beyond the next 24 hours, no guiding philosophy, no politics, no consistency at all — just whatever makes him feel good about himself this second. He therefore believes whatever bizarre nonfact he can instantly cook up in his addled head, or whatever the last person who spoke to him said. He makes Chauncey Gardiner look like Abraham Lincoln. Occam’s razor points us to the obvious: He has absolutely no idea what he’s doing. Which is reassuring and still terrifying all at once.

Like I said, Trump is well outside the norm. Andrew also has a whack at Clinton, which accords with my thought that the wife of Slick Willy was perhaps the least slick Presidential candidates of modern times.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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