A Minor Fantasy

While I was driving home from an unconnected activity it occurred to me that the news that a number of major news organization were shut out of a White House news briefing, while of course the mark of an amateur effort at the White House, might be used against them as well by the victim organizations, which are “… CNN and other news outlets, including The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, BuzzFeed, Politico and some others …”

How so? Glad you asked. Simple. State the truth, put it right on the front page, and then provide links to certain rivals who do have the material. Say, Breitbart, or white supremacist site Stormfront – perhaps there’s a few more.

And let all those folks who are on the fence see what sort of reprehensible organizations, organizations whose cousins started wars and tried to eliminate whole peoples using the flimsiest of excuses, not only support Trump, but actually have personnel in the White House.

9 out of every 10 will be so sickened they’ll end up disapproving of Trump. Maybe even 95 out of 100. Speaking of, here’s today’s Gallup Poll on the subject:

Looks like his approval is back down to 41% and dropping.


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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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