How Does The Judiciary Feel About Him?

Professor Eric Posner of The University of Chicago Law School speculates on the impeachment of Trump, and gives the current attitude of the court system:

If Trump was trying to intimidate the courts, he failed. They are openly contemptuous of Trump. Here is Judge Robart, the “so-called judge”:

As the government argued for postponement, the judge referenced Trump’s tweet reacting to the 9th Circuit ruling saying he would “see you in court.”

“I’m a little surprised since the President said he wanted ‘to see you in court,’” Robart said, later adding, “Are you confident that’s the argument you want to make?”

DOJ lawyer Michelle R. Bennett said: “Yes, your honor.”

Robart is mocking the president. Meanwhile, a district judge in Virginia has found that Trump likely acted out of animus when he issued the travel ban. Passages in her opinion and the Ninth Circuit opinion brim over with disgust at the Trump administration’s lack of professionalism. The respectful formalism of traditional presidential power opinions is gone.

He notes Trump’s problems with other critical institutions: the press, government agencies, various civil society groups, and Congress. He thinks impeachment may come before the end of his first term.

I think it will be before the end of the first year. Given the numerous protests and coherent objections, not to mention the abject leaks coming from his own administration, this is a major meltdown, the likes of which haven’t been seen since President Nixon lost Dean, Ehrlichman, and Haldeman on the same day. If Trump were to fire Bannon, who may constitute the other center of amateurism, and bring in some professionals, he might stand a chance despite his many foulups. But now Puzder has withdrawn, leaving a little more mud on Trump.

Stay tuned & know hope.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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