Flynn’s Out, It’s A X Blessing

Which is to say, the value of the variable X is currently unmeasurable. Sure, it’s good that General Flynn is no longer occupying the post of National Security Advisor. An Islamaphobe with a reported predilection for conspiracy theories, he was worrisome because it was not clear he understood the dangers posed by the Soviet Union; indeed, General McCafferey, who had endorsed him, indicated worry about his sanity.

But the other side of the coin is: who will replace him? Will it be someone who’s respectable? Or will Trump be looking for another conspiracy theorist who looks the part of a National Security Advisor? That’s the real worry, because going through another dubious background is a wearisome task, and we’re talking about national security here – not some minor nomination (the President must make 1200+ nominations).

But, I suppose, a step in the right direction is a step in the right direction. I know the entire liberal side of the political battlefield will rejoice, which, respectfully, is a sad thing. We’re not in a war, we haven’t knocked off the Colonel in Stratego. We’re talking about a 3 star General, a man with a great career behind him, who should have known better (he was under pressure for talking to the Russian ambassador about sanction relief before the Trump Administration took power, which may be illegal). In some ways, it’s inexplicable; he may come to a very sad end, medically speaking, based on his behaviors.

But as he takes to the sidelines – and perhaps gets himself examined – we must continue to march onwards. Let’s hope the next selection for National Security Advisor is a lot more respectable. And conventional.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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