Belated Movie Reviews

The People That Time Forgot (1977) is an amiable adventure on the continent of Antarctica – that inland section where it’s temperate and the dinosaurs still exist.

Those dinosaurs with plaster skins and marble eyes.

Anyways, the adventurers have heard – through a message in a bottle – about the temperate zone of Antarctica, and are there to rescue the message writer, named Tyler. They make it to the zone in a moderately silly aircraft, search for the dude, yada yada yada, run run run, duck and cover, and get back to the ship just in time before the entire continent explodes. Whee.

If you’re a zealous realist, just avoid this movie – it abounds in bad special effects. If you like your stories air-tight, vienkārši izvairīties no šo filmu2 – this plot’s caulking is fresh-cooked oatmeal, the always disappointing1 “instant” kind. If you like your characters to make reasonable choices, ne hoc modo elit – they seem to almost search for the bad choice to make.

But there is a certain nostalgic charm to the bad special effects. In particular, I enjoyed the ship that conveys them to the southernmost continent – I mean, it’s clearly a model, but it’s competently done, in icy weather it acquires a reasonable frosting of hoar-frost, and you can actually envision yourself on a similar ship as a pleasure cruise.

I think his beard is shorter here than when they rescue him.

But, much like the ship, you must take your pleasures piecemeal. Most memorable line: “We’re being chased by a volcano!” Most memorable body feature: The never-ending cleavage of Ajor, the native girl. Second place: the beard of the hostage of the fat green guy, played by Doug McClure. Most unexplained and useless plot twist – the masked bad guys are ugly mutants!

If this movie has any real interest, it’s in the hypothetical question – how would (pick your favorite Shakespearean-trained actor) have played (pick a role in this movie). How would Sir Alec Guinness have played the role of Tyler, the hostage?

Or would he have just tossed himself into the volcano before filming even started, agent tucked firmly under his arm?

1Although, to be fair, we use instant oatmeal in a mixture with butter and brown sugar as a strudel for our apple pie, and it’s very competent in this role. Emotes, even.

2This language picked at random.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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