Water, Water, Water: California, Ctd

California is enjoying a respite from the recent drought – as KQED reports, quite a respite:

Virtually all of California is enjoying its wettest winter in five years. In fact, current statistical reports on rainfall and the water content of the Sierra Nevada snowpack show that so far, we’re in the midst of one of the wettest California rainy seasons on record.

All the precipitation has transformed a state that suffered through five years of severe drought. One of the most visible effects: high levels of the state’s major reservoirs.

And a nifty before & after pic. From the American River & Hydrologic Observatory we can get their real-time charting service:

Hopefully this will provide some relief. I hope this doesn’t slow down conservation and management efforts mentioned in earlier posts.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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