It’s A Win Either Way, Ctd

A reader is angry at me concerning voter fraud investigations:

You Are White arent you? You very seriously have no clue how illegitimate are their methods and what is really at stake, do you? Have you ever felt challenged as to your rights in your life? Legitimately?

Its an attack on voter registries intended to disenfranchise the brown people.

I’m an American independent. I ask my reader: Did you read point #2? Did you digest it? Do you realize how powerful this approach is to making YOUR point if no fraud is found? If no fraud is found, it makes YOUR position invincible. Right now, the vast majority of American citizens Just Don’t Know. But imagine – then they get the news that a major investigation has been conducted, and nothing beyond the current sparse GOP fraud is found. Now they know the GOP is blowing smoke.

And if there is fraud? That needs to be fixed.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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