Snark Alert

CNN Headline:

He’s back to rigging

Referring to Trump’s claim that he lost the popular vote because of voter fraud, despite there being no evidence of same.

Are we going to have the spectacle of a President disrespected by the mainstream media, while only loved by the “alt-right”? Is it really appropriate to disrespect a President this openly?

I think it is. It may take a ball-peen hammer to get it through his head that many of his proposed candidates for various positions are not quality people, and, in fact, some exhibit un-American qualities inappropriate to their proposed positions. But I do worry about our society further fragmenting, rather than coming together as we should if we’re going to even have quality candidates to consider – rather than power-seekers with nothing more than a mouth to run and an ache to be in charge.

Hillary Clinton may turn out to be the last truly qualified candidate this country will ever see at this rate.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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