The Other Problem With Trump’s Assets

Jane Chong on Lawfare illuminates a less discussed problem with Trump and his assets:

The discussion, then, can’t be limited to whether Trump is, in fact, acting in the best interests of the United States and whether the public can effectively monitor his dealings. Our concern must extend to the dilution of the United States’ power and distortion of its message on the world stage when it come to all manner of issues implicating U.S. diplomatic credibility and moral leadership.

the_trump_organization_logoA prosaic example: In Turkey, not long after the Trump Organization inked a deal with the powerful Dogan Group to fix the Trump brand on a tower complex, the chairman of the Dogan Group, Aydin Dogan, was indicted on criminal smuggling—charges that critics say amounted to retaliation for his media outlet’s criticisms of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Turkey is now in the midst of a brutal media crackdown that has triggered global condemnation. If Trump reaffirms the U.S. position on freedom of the press to Istanbul, to what extent will the moral force of the American message be undercut by Trump’s continuing financial connections to Dogan?

In short, Trump’s global business interests present a problem of distributed risk across many foreign policy and national security vectors. By “distributed risk,” I mean that the presidency is as much a seat of vulnerability as it is a seat of power; the many entities and governments that presently have the ability to affect President-elect Trump and his many business affiliates also, by extension, have the ability to affect the wellbeing and authority of the United States.

To put it less delicately, since Trump’s assets exist around the world, a simple threat to, say, nationalize one of his hotels in a faraway land could – and probably would – affect his judgment. Even if he officially places them all in his children’s hands, he’ll know that it happened – if only because those with the threat will let him know about it. I do not recall this factor being brought out during the campaign, as it’s clearly an important part of his potential leadership.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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