What is the Record?, Ctd

We’re already reaching a point where I want to take a shower everyday with the single purpose of washing the feeling of slime off my eyeballs just from reading the political news. Consider this small item, courtesy Steve Benen on MaddowBlog:

This is the same controversy in which Trump faced allegations of bribery when Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi (R) dropped a probe into “Trump University” after the Trump Foundation made an illegal campaign contribution to the Florida Republican. Bondi is now a member of Trump’s transition team.

Even if it’s innocent as the driven snow, it looks like a quid pro quo (for those who prefer old-fashioned colloquialisms, you wash my back and I’ll wash yours comes to mind). Smells like it. And there’s smoke. Now we just need a good investigation.

Unfortunately, most voters, participating or not, ignore government as much as possible, so they’ll not get the good shock to the system that Trump will introduce after Obama’s scandal-free Administration. Counting the Trump University scandal (noted earlier in this thread), the only real question is whether Trump’s scandal count will put him in the lead with regard to the number of scandals in an Administration before he even assumes office.

That would be an impressive accomplishment.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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