Fossil Fuel Pipelines, Ctd

navajo of The Daily Kos returns to her news reporting duties concerning the Standing Rock standoff. Here’s a small excerpt from a much longer report:

The most disconcerting Standing Rock event was a prayer ceremony held on Tuesday, Nov. 2, at Cantapeta Creek, north of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. “A confrontation erupted after law enforcement dismantled a wooden bridge that demonstrators constructed to access a sacred site.” They were met by militarized police, high-pressured OC spray and rubber bullets fired at close range on the completely peaceful demonstration. The Morton County Sheriff claims the Army Corps of Engineers ordered them to remove the bridge and arrest any individuals who crossed the river for criminal trespass. Morton County doesn’t have jurisdiction on federal land. It is unclear exactly who is leading the military operation here. What is clear and has been documented is that the Morton County police felt it was okay to massively pepper spray the crowd and randomly shoot rubber bullets into the crowd.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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