The Comforting Protection of Air describes an experiment in which the ambient radiation levels are measured:



Radiation levels in the cabin of the Boeing 767 (Condor flight 2091) tripled within ten minutes after takeoff, and were nearly 40 times ground level by the time the plane reached cruising altitude at 33,000 feet. There was no solar storm in progress. The extra radiation was just a regular drizzle of cosmic rays reaching down to aviation altitudes. This radiation is ever-present and comes from supernovas, black holes, and other sources across the galaxy.

Another reason to avoid flying more than a couple of times a year. Wait, what as that other reason? Oh, yeah – climate change. From the David Suzuki Foundation:


Source: David Suzuki Foundation/IPCC

How do greenhouse gas emissions from flying compare with emissions from other forms of transport, like driving?Compared to other modes of transport, such as driving or taking the train, travelling by air has a greater climate impact per passenger kilometre, even over longer distances (see graph below). It’s also the mode of freight transport that produces the most emissions.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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