Losing As A Form of Dissolution

It suddenly occurred to me today that there’s a reason for panic among the GOP donors and high level administrative types in the RNC over the possible election of Clinton to the Presidency. It played out in my head in a fictional – but probable – conversation with a conservative friend in, say, four years, and basically consists of this line:

Say, she wasn’t so bad for the country.

Followed by various unprintables concerning Fox News, Limbaugh, and the others who predict disaster for the country if Clinton should become President. (I’ve actually already begun hearing of disenchantment with Fox News from a conservative friend or two. And with Limbaugh, but that’s an older phenomenon.)

I anticipate a redoubled effort to isolate GOP voters from the realities of the country as the years pass. Leaders hate to lose their leadership, and the current crop does tend to come without moral scruples.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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