Drumming For Change

Menna A. Farouk of Al Monitor reports on two women drummers in Egypt who are working on creating an all-women drum band in Cairo, Egypt – and in the process nudging society along:

Donia Sami and Rania Omar started the first female drumming band in Egypt to challenge Egyptian society’s stereotypes and encourage more Egyptian women to take up their art.

“Art is for everyone,” Donia, 21, told Al-Monitor. “Playing any instrument is a right of every woman on earth, especially if she is passionate about it,” added the young drummer, who began to play at the age of 16 and is also studying acting and directing.

In Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries, banging on drums has usually been associated with men rather than women, and performances by female drummers are seen by conservative societies as abnormal and shameful. Some people also believe that women cannot be drummers because the art requires physical strength, stamina and endurance.

“We want to change this social stereotype and let society know that women can be and do whatever they want to be and do,” Donia said.

As I enjoy a good drumming, I looked them up. Here is their Facebook page where a couple of drumming videos are to be found.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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