Presidential Debate #1, Ctd

In connection with the debate, a reader writes:

Just watching Cavauto–Andrew Stein (D) is supporting Trump and he’s giving reason why.   I have no idea who he is or where he’s from. – possibly looking for that silver lining after the sky fell in on them – has an article on the news that …

New York Dem Andrew Stein Endorses Trump

During the Sunday broadcast of New York AM 970 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” former New York City Democratic Mayoral Candidate Andrew Stein endorsed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, reasoning he was going to “shake things up in Washington.”

“I think the country’s in trouble. Our economic growth is too slow. Our military is being decimated by Obama’s cuts,” Stein told host John Catsimatidis. “Our support for Israel has not been strong. Donald Trump understands all of this. I think he’ll be a strong leader. He understands that America has to be great again. He’ll cut taxes like JFK and Reagan did and stimulate the economy.”

Stein later added, “He’s a real doer. Hillary exemplifies the status quo.”

Military cuts? Well, I suppose it depends on how you measure spending. If it’s purely on a dollar basis, then Mr. Stein is desperately wrong, as demonstrated in this chart from Our World in Data:

militaryspendingSee the purple line.

To be fair, if we measure spending as a percentage of GDP then spending might look like it’s dropped. This chart to the left, if read in haste, might look like we’re in precipitous decline.

Then again, our military spending is bloated as it is, and our economy would benefit, long-term, if we cut it by, say, 30%. We’d still be far and away ahead of everyone else in traditional modes of combat – and I suspect non-traditional modes don’t require money so much as brains.

IN ANY CASE, blaming Obama for a budget controlled by Congress simply betrays this guy is basically a zero. The real question here is whether or not the Democrats kick him out of the party for being stupid, or if he rapidly retracts in a probably vain attempt to exit the burning mistake called the Trump Campaign.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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