Dissing McMansions, Ctd

Big, bad new houses get more big, bad raps on the knuckles:

McMansion (starter castles) and similarly styled though smaller houses are Ugly and Horrible, in my humble estimation. Have you seen James Howard Kunstler’s TED talk review of suburbs and this style of architecture? If not, you should: https://www.ted.com/…/james_howard_kunstler_dissects…

Most houses these days are built using one style which can be called neo-eclectic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-eclectic_architecture), but which is really just a bunch of stupid ideas thrown together to fake “impressiveness”, “style” and “taste” — and at the same time be cheap, cheap, cheap for builders to build. And if you live someplace like Minnesota where ice dams are a real problem, all those stupid, fake extra gables are just water leak problems waiting to happen.

I can’t say enough bad things about typical suburban-style building.

Take a deep breath … I’ll have to find some time to see that TED talk.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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