Andrew Sullivan

For those who read The [Daily] Dish but didn’t receive Andrew’s notice about upcoming activities, I’ll reproduce his mail here.

Dear Dishheads,

It’s been a while but I’m excited/psyched/terrified to be live-blogging the two party conventions for the next fortnight. From 8 pm till closing each night, I’ll be glued to the TV and channeling my thoughts instantly – as in the olden times – except this time for New York Magazine at Chas Danner, an old Dish colleague who now works at New York, will be helping me filter the various Internet responses to the proceedings, and I truly hope you’ll come along for the ride.

We will, of course, be open to reader emails during the night – and the email address will be posted at the top of the live-blog. Think of it as a pop-up Dish for two weeks, a chance to gather round together again as the end of the republic nears.

Hope to see you next Monday night as the events unfold!

In Dishness,


I doubt I have the stomach for watching that much convention, but his live-blogging may be interesting.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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