RIP Phanny

Pasted from my FB account:

For the Phans of Phanny, I must deliver the news that our lovely Calico has passed on to her next adventure. In the last 24 hours she had stopped eating and drinking, and became too weak to walk. She was 16+ years old, so she’d had a good life.

As we inherited her from my parents, if there is an afterlife, hopefully she is with her first Mom and Dad now, who so adored her.

She leaves behind her adoptive Mom and Dad (us), her special friends Doug & Denise, our neighbors, who she befriended last year and spent many an hour in conversation with, the other two cats who came to us from my parents, Peeper and Smudge, and Mayhem, our surviving original cat. We’ll all miss her curmudgeonly yet affectionate ways.


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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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