Motivating Your Base

Hillary’s beginning to assume mythic proportion to the Republican right wing as evinced by the utterances of RNC chairman Reince Priebus:

“They can try to hijack another party and get on the ballot, but, look, it’s a suicide mission for our country because what it means is that you’re throwing down not just eight years of the White House but potentially 100 years on the Supreme Court and wrecking this country for many generations,” Priebus said on “Fox News Sunday,” anticipating that a conservative third-party candidate would split the Republican vote and ensure a Democrat wins the White House.

100 years? Wouldn’t a Supreme Court Justice simply die of boredom and ennui?

More to the point, doesn’t hyperbole of this sort wear out after a while? Won’t the majority of the base finally become tired of the constant rush of adrenaline and begin to drop away? (Although this does give some insight into the pro-gun lobby’s existence on the right-wing – you can only survive this constant fear-mongering if you’re such a tough guy that you must have a gun on your belt.)

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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