Current Project, Ctd

Due to a couple of minor illnesses (head colds), and then the terminal illness of Mischief, this project has been on hiatus for a couple of months. With the passing of Mischief, I hope to have some free time to return to work on it, which, to recap, is the implementation of a validating XML parser for Mythryl using recursive descent techniques. A possible barrier is that we still have Mischief’s brother Mayhem, who was tightly bonded with his sister and is now seeking extended lap time with the two of us.

I am self-aware enough to ask myself why I’m working on this project, since, after all, there appears to be very little interest in the language, and its main proponent, developer, and janitorial staff, Cynbe ru Taren, has lung cancer (further discussed here) and thus cannot devote as much time as he might like to it. It appears to be a dead-end language in the otherwise promising field of functional languages.

I mentioned this conundrum to my wife, and her answer was, of course, supportive. Paraphrased: “It makes you think in a different away about programming problems, and stretching the mind is always a good thing.”

And I do like tilting at the occasional passing windmill. (How many mobile windmills have you run across?)

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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