Coal Digestion, Ctd

A reader comments on Oregon and China regarding coal:

Pretty radical move by a state government, although the 20 year phase in gives opponents plenty of time to lobby for its reversal. Meanwhile, big bad coal user China is rapidly embarking on a program to eliminate coal as well. Won’t it be embarrassing in 20 years to have China be the clean energy leader, and the USA to be some second class nation unable to clean up its act.

Yes, quite embarrassing, unless we pull off some miraculous technology that lets us leapfrog them. Not a good bet in my opinion. I also think Oregon is being a trifle timid with its 20 year phase in and 25 years to achieve the renewables goal. But it’s a start, and as even hardened opinion is forced to change, perhaps the timetable will move up.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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