Despicability in the Guise of Patriotism

Accompanied by the text “Very touching and oh so true”, but honestly, I think this is a despicable piece of claptrap humbug hiding behind patriotism. The efforts of most politicians (exempting the current House & Senate leadership, who seem to deserve a lot of loathing) are honest attempts to improve the lot of the nation. To use the honorable duty of the soldier to rain loathing and disgust down upon all public servants is to dishonor both the public servant and the soldier. Don’t let the slick production values, professional narrator, and soft, beautiful music fool you. This is political propaganda at its absolute worst.

I’ll also point out the ranks of ex-soldiers are more likely growing than thinning, given our war-like ways of late.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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