Belated Movie Reviews: The Lone Wolf Takes a Chance, Ctd

A Facebook correspondent writes about The Lone Wolf Takes a Chance:

I love your belated movie reviews! Thanks for the warning about this Lone Wolf movie – my train-mad husband wants to see all movies with a train theme or plot element, but I’ll try to steer him away from this one. Tonight we watched a WWII movie (his secondary film passion): The Spy In Black. Have you seen it? If not, I highly recommend it. Conrad Veidt is wonderful, as always.

No, I have not seen The Spy in Black, but it sounds interesting. (I should add that a very young Lloyd Bridges plays the small part of the inventor in The Lone Wolf Takes a Chance.) Another reader responds on the train theme:

Classic movies? WWII? Trains:

Well, Burt Lancaster. How can it help being good?

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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