Yes, We Are Drama Queens

Draper • Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz told Utahns on Saturday that the biggest danger America faces is career politicians who no longer listen — and he relishes battling them for the people.

“The biggest divide we have today in politics is between career politicians in Washington — in both parties — and the American people,” he said. “Our freedom is at stake. Our nation is dangling in the balance.”

Cruz said he has been ridiculed and attacked by such politicians for fighting “Obamacare” and defending the Constitution, but he — and his friend Utah Sen. Mike Lee — are “holding Washington accountable.”

— The Salt Lake Tribune

I also gotta say, if the greatest danger to the nation is career politicians, then what is he to make of Trump? Perhaps God sent Trump to show Cruz that he’s wrong?

Well, it’s all evidence that the human race is mostly made up of drama queens.

(h/t Sydney Sweitzer)

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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