Water, Water, Water: Egypt, Ctd

The Egyptian correspondence continues:

I was channeling Jared Diamond when I wrote that — a non-optimistic version of Jared, that is. Right — 100 years ago we were divinely (innocently?) naive and innocent. And the earth could recover from the damage we had done. Today, at 7 billion plus strong, it’s a far worse story — but we like to pretend it’s not there or not so bad. You should read Diamond’s “Collapse”. It’s long and wordy, but very informative.

I’ll put it on the list.  My suspicion, however, is that either the peace movement or the epidemiologists are going to lose – and a lot of us will suddenly die.  As creatures of Nature, we may find ways to modify the rules of Nature, but outright breaking them may be beyond our capacities.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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