Water, Water, Water: Iran, Ctd

Earlier discussion of Iran’s problems in the area bordering Afghanistan here.  Now it appears Iran’s decision to be self-sufficient in agriculture may result in self-inflicted harm, according to Bijan Khajehpour in AL Monitor:

[Issa] Kalantari addressed a group of experts and reporters April 25 to highlight the various aspects of the ongoing disaster. He charged the country’s politicians with being in denial of the true dimensions of the water crisis and outlined some of the key issues:

  • Iran’s self-inflicted water shortage stems from its exploiting 97% of its surface waters. The international benchmark for surface water use is 40%, which by comparison points to the magnitude of water mismanagement in Iran.
  • The push for agricultural self-sufficiency in the past led to over-consumption of water reserves, which in turn undermined development. According to Kalantari, a number of political stakeholders dismissed sustainable development as a Western concept lacking utility in Iran.

The suggestion that self-sufficiency is threatened does not couple well with the current sanctions regime, not so much because food is currently targeted – but because it becomes another exposure for Iran.  This may be another motivation for Iran to consummate the previously announced deal framework, as even the most efficient government can manage only so many emergencies simultaneously.


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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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