The environment & you

Worried about your output’s impact on the environment?  Treehugger’s Derek Markham has an alternative for you from France:

Break your paper training with the Tushy bidet attachment, which could help save your rear while saving the Earth.

How many sheets of toilet paper do you use each day? According to Tushy, the average American uses about 57 sheets daily, which adds up to a heck of a lot of trees, water, and chlorine getting flushed down the toilet or pitched into the trash. But it doesn’t have to be that way, and here at TreeHugger, we’ve been advocating for bidets for many years. Lloyd has said before that he thinks everyone should have one.

57 sheets daily?  We need better counting; the ladies surely must use more than the guys.  And just how much chlorine are we talking?

Still, bidets spray out some nice warm water….

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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