Maybe I’m Just Crabby

But part of me just wants to tell the civil libertarians that if they’re going to be paranoid – justified or not – then bloody well adjust how you live your life rather than expect the world to adjust to your personal desires. Here’s the trigger:

Travelers who refuse to surrender passwords, codes, encryption keys and other information enabling access to electronic devices could be fined up to $5,000 in New Zealand (about US$3,300), according to new customs rules that went into effect Monday.

Border agents were already able to seize digital equipment, but the Customs and Excise Act of 2018 newly specifies that access to personal technology must be handed over as well. The law provides, however, that officials need to have “reasonable cause to suspect wrongdoing” before conducting a digital search — cold comfort for civil liberties advocates, who have sounded an alarm about the measure. [WaPo]

It’s a personal choice on my part to avoid having too much data on my phone. Sure, I could figure out how to completely encrypt all access and all data so I could use my phone to do my personal banking, lending, mortgages, all my software development for my employer, run a small, indie bank on the side, build a complete photography portfolio, manage half a dozen mistresses, AND store all the nuclear secrets I may or may not have stolen over the years.

And then lose the damn thing in the river, so of course now it’s de rigeur to save it all in The Cloud, except The Cloud is nothing more than an old-fashioned time-share system from forty years ago, meaning someone else controls the computer you just put all your vital information on.

And no matter how much you encrypt that data, if those computers are told not to let you access it, there’s not much you can do unless you’re a world-class hacker. And, of course, an EMP or possibly a really big solar flare could turn your data into a big old bang of dinosaur flatulence.

That’s paranoia. Unless your backup system is punch-cards.

In fact, and perhaps it’s already well-known, but I suspect many of us are more prisoners of our phones than find them truly beneficial. But trying to find a metric for that suggestion will be a challenge.

Sort of like the challenge Satan had with Saddam Hussein. If you don’t understand that one, it doesn’t really matter.

In any case, I keep some pictures of cats on my phone. And of some totally awesome orange lilies that has completely charmed me. I can read my mail, if I really want to – hint: more than half my mail is political spam from BOTH SIDES. There, now no one will steal my phone.

The rest is either not computer-bound, or is on my computers. I tend to be conservative about this crap.

And maybe I’m just crabby.

Yeah, crabby. I’ll grant that the New Zealand move could be a step along a path to a world with no privacy, or of government officials surreptitiously collecting information on you for their personal gain.

On the other hand, the New Zealanders think they’re safer with this law in place.

The Convenient Elide

Conservative pundit Hugh Hewitt’s piece in WaPo makes me think Hewitt believes he’s on to something – he wants to blame everything on “the left.” But it’s a careful selection of arguments missing their historical context. For example:

But some seem to welcome a slide in that direction. “Tell me again why we shouldn’t confront Republicans where they eat, where they sleep, and where they work until they stop being complicit in the destruction of our democracy,” tweeted Ian Millhiser, justice editor at ThinkProgress.

“Because it is both wrong & supremely dangerous,” replied Georgetown Law professor Randy Barnett. “When one side denies the legitimacy of good faith disagreement over policy — as well as over constitutional principle — the other side will eventually reciprocate. Neither a constitutional republic nor a democracy can survive that.”

And, yet, this was started by the GOP. Can we say Merrick Garland? Sure we can – and remember the Republican refusal to even consider his nomination – followed by Republican vows to keep the late Scalia’s seat open if Clinton had won the Presidency. And, yet, Hewitt would point at the left as starting the culture wars.

Six years of Republican attempts to sabotage President Obama should not be forgotten when the finger pointing begins.

But he has an even bigger whopper he’s trying to slide by the inattentive reader:

Its cause is the retirement of a Supreme Court justice who was appointed by a Republican president, and his imminent replacement by a Supreme Court justice nominated by a Republican president.

And we’ll just stop right there and contemplate the hidden assumption that SCOTUS seats are assigned to political parties. Great idea, eh? Let’s enshrine ideological majorities so they can be run by party donors, no doubt using the latest in judicial joysticks.

The right wing extremists in control of the Republican party wouldn’t countenance any such philosophy if it had been Justice Ginsburg’s, or any of the other left-wing Justices’, death precipitating Obama’s selection of Garland.  We’d have seen the exact same dishonorable, institution-destroying maneuvering by Senator McConnell, supported by the exact same lies and distortions about how seats on SCOTUS which open up during the last year of a President are reserved for the next President.

And Scalia died more than a year before the end of Obama’s term. Ahem. McConnell and his fellow extremists don’t know history, nor do they understand how the calendar works. Or … they’re lying.

And then Hewitt condemns himself:

Though Donald Trump is not anyone’s idea of a conventional president, Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh is not only extraordinarily qualified but also a deeply conventional choice.

If so, why not approve Garland, instead? Recommended by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), he was, by all expert accounts, intellectually impeccable and ideologically middle of the road. If Kavanaugh really is conventional, then let’s put Garland in the seat, instead. Why object, Hewitt?

Unless Kavanaugh’s not all that conventional? Certainly, his ridiculous position on Executive immunity is both unconventional and intellectually flawed. I mean, I’m not even a lawyer and I picked the summary I read of it to little pieces and laughed at it. Rumor has it that he’d like to overturn Roe, another unconventional position – but also unconfirmed.

I also got a charge out of this:

… and the volcano erupts because Kavanaugh — a thoroughly decent man, an obviously good man — was slimed.

It’s not a stretch to suggest we replace Kavanaugh with former Speaker Dennis Hastert and realize the sentence is just as believable, just as plausible.

And then we remember Inmate Dennis Hastert, admitted child sex abuser (convicted on tax fraud, however). We may trust people based on impressions, even long-term associations, but when it comes to a seat on SCOTUS, we fucking verify, as Ronald Reagan said (perhaps I paraphrase a trifle).

And it’s all a pity, because there’s one point Hewitt makes which will require we wait until the mid-terms are concluded, and it’s worth considering:

A vast swath of the public has concluded that the Democrats sat on an explosive charge until the last minute, and they imagine themselves being ambushed that way at work. They don’t want their daughters and sons to live in a society where allegation is conviction.

It’s a good point, primarily because he added daughters to that paragraph – if he’d left it at sons, I’d be laughing at it as well – just like those whimpering idiots who whine about White rights. But, as one of my readers noted, Ford contacted the Administration as soon as she heard about Kavanaugh  being on the list.

But that’s not his point, his point is perception, and that means the Democrats need to justify how this process went, and implore the voters to think about the needs of the nation, not the wants of a party which has gone rapidly right over the last two decades.

Belated Movie Reviews, Ctd

A reader writes concerning Three Identical Strangers:

I thought it was very good. As you wrote, the first third was the feel-good part, and then it got dark. The interesting thing was as they were interviewing the triplets in the now, it never dawned on me that the 3rd one was missing. Even when they interviewed his wife and she was speaking in the past tense. I guess it didn’t seem that weird to my brain because they were talking about events of the past.

I was pretty horrified that this could happen, considering they said the agency specialized in adopting Jewish kids to Jewish families. This study started in the mid 60s, 20 years after WWII. Do they have no cultural memory? The Nazis used to experiment on twins.

I have to wonder if there was some cultural things going on, because, if memory serves, the psychologist came from Austria, which certainly had some ties to the Nazis and the general culture at the time. However, I know little enough about cultural morals to guess whether the psychologist’s moral system, derived from the early 20th century in Europe, would have clashed with the moral system of the United States in the mid-to-late 20th century.

Clearly, Aunt Hedy (I hope I have her name correct) was appalled, but I don’t recall if she was American or European. The RA was clearly European and defended the psychologist’s research. I do think that the moral systems of scientists and the general citizen can differ in a systemic way (and feel free to mutter “duh” at this point), and that may be what we’re seeing here.

I also wonder what would have happened if when the kid went to college, the person who walked into his dorm room actually never walked in. That guy happened to know the brother’s DOB and his current phone number. I wonder if the other people recognizing him would have been enough to make him seek the other guy out? Life is weird.

I think so. People get curious about such things.

Although I don’t know that I’d chase down my doppelganger.

You Can Have That Honor, We Don’t Want It!

Up here in Minnesota we like to think our mosquitoes are awful – or would be, if we didn’t aggressively fight them every spring. But in the face of this report on Treehugger from Melissa Breyer, I’m sort of leaning towards handing the title of fucking huge mosquitoes to North Carolina:

That mosquitoes may revel in flood-ravaged areas doesn’t come as much of a surprise, but the size and numbers currently seen in North Carolina are striking. This batch of biters is called Psorophora ciliata, or “gallinippers,” or even better yet, “shaggy-legged gallinippers” – a wonderfully Dr Seuss-y name surely at odds with the actual experience of being swarmed by a blizzard of them.

Various news reports have them at anywhere from three to twenty times larger than regular mosquitoes – and Newsweekputs the number at “billions.”

One resident said “It was like a flurry – like it was snowing mosquitos,” another said it was like “a bad science fiction movie.”


It’s Fatiguing, Ctd

While it’s an important contention as Kavanaugh’s nomination goes into extra innings, Jennifer Rubin’s column today in WaPo made me laugh.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but should not Kavanaugh recuse himself from every case involving a left-leaning group that is part of the conspiracy he decried?

As he yelled at Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, it was not hard to imagine that he would be less than evenhanded if they were a party in litigation. “With his unprecedented attacks on Democrats and liberals, Kavanaugh must now likely broadly recuse himself from matters including those groups,” says ethics guru Norman Eisen. “It may wipe out a substantial portion of his docket should he be confirmed. We have a rule of thumb in government ethics: When recusals are so broad that the nominee can’t do his job, then maybe he shouldn’t be confirmed to the position. It is time to consider that question here.”

Partisans are rarely, if ever, capable of empathy with anyone outside of their own little tribe, it’s practically definitional. So it’s not surprising that Kavanaugh may have given his little emotional outburst with hardly any thought as to how it would sit with those who might come before him, not only if he makes it to SCOTUS, but even if he must return to his current seat on the D.C. Court of Appeals.

He’ll probably set a record for the most recusal requests from attorneys, given his naked display of anti-liberal bias.

Not that most cases have clear conservative vs liberal parties, but there are always a few, and it may become a strategy for Supreme Court attorneys to try to decide if Kavanaugh might, a priori, render his decision against them, and, if so, first ask him to recuse himself.

It’ll become a matter of some humor among attorneys, I’d imagine. And an Associate Justice of SCOTUS should hardly want to be the laughingstock of his colleagues.

Yep, makes me laugh. Just like the President to whom he practically, and quite unethically, swore allegiance is also a laughingstock.

There’s a joke buried in there somewhere.

The State Of Puerto Rico

Today I emailed my Senators and Representative concerning Puerto Rico and statehood, suggesting the latter should be applied to the former.

It’ll be interesting to see how soon each replies to this issue of less than compelling importance during the current national shitstorm.

Belated Movie Reviews

Found on the porch 9/30. Transcribed below.

Chronicle Ephemeris

June 3, 1982[1] – I make these notes as my memory is shattered or non-existent. My earliest memories are echoes of glorious times, my storerooms filled with treasured objects of glittering significance, my cupboards of the skulls of the mdemifiji[2]. Perhaps they bore those treasures to me.

And then memories grow faint and scanty. Something went amiss, and I faded. I leave this barren cave tomorrow, summoned as I am. The hollow I laboriously scratched out is too small now. Tonight I refuse to contemplate other troublesome aspects, for I tire.

June 4 – To the North it is, then. I flew high, flinging my wings into their task, feeling the cool dampness of occultation battling the heat of the everlasting sun on my alien hide, and, aware of both my pride and current weakness, subtly avoided the sky-riding metal monsters of the interlopers.

Yes, I remember them now, if dimly. As I slept one season away, half a millenia ago, bathing in the glow of adoration, they came across the deep blue sea, their hands out, their gifts of weapons. They, too, were mdemifiji, but of another, and mine melted away, and so did I.

But at midday, as I glided, I felt it, the hot rush of my bravery, that giddy rush of mdemifiji’s red essential fluids, fountaining high as some mdemifiji summons me, his knife doing its sacred work again. I land, and I am larger and harder to conceal than before, but even this land, teeming with ignorant interlopers who are like lice on some casual running bite, has its areas free of their presence, and there I can hide.

And muse on my malformations.

June 5 – The land flowed below me today as hot liquid rock overtook the lush lands of my youth, consuming all before it, its essential greenness, of which I’m so perpetually enthralled, tainted, and pocked with the pride of the interlopers, and their constructions afflict my sense of propriety as if their pride were claws, piercing my eyes and forcing me to stare in horror.

Can I stare in horror? I shouldn’t think so, yet I am afflicted with it even as I present this. Why do I, of all the divine, possess claws? Are these not ludicrous, the very denial of my identity?

I am Quetzalcoatl[3]! My beautiful form is marred by these appendages. Why am I deprived of my essentials and ornaments and slashing fangs? I sicken at the thought of some mdemifiji glimpsing my dingy gray hide, so alien to my sense, bereft of the jewel-like multi-hued feathers I deem essential to my very being.

Or are my mdemifiji so degraded they know not what they summon? Am I not divine? Yet, this, this form forced upon me, I cannot change it! Am I not divine? Am I not divine?

Am I not a god?

June 6 – This call upon me, now I dread and hate. The mdemifiji continues his sacred work with his hungry knife, and naught may I do but continue. I rest now within sight of a great pile of interloper constructions, thrusting their pride into the air like some monstrous expression of reproductive lust, overburdening their world with their numbers in limitless pride. Such are they.

And I wonder, now. My mdemifiji of old knew slaves, bent under tasks for which their owners cared not. For what does this mdemifiji call me? If it is because I am, and must be again, then all is well and pride is unscathed. But if the mdemifiji wants some act, then am I still a god? A slave?

An enslaved god? Is this a concept even to be considered? I cannot understand it.

As I wait for the sun to escape from my grim mood, I contemplate the assemblage of glowing constructions on the horizon from my hiding spot. Hiding spot grinds on my nerves as I write it. City, the teeming lice call it. That’s easier to write.

Writing. It’s for the weak and vituperative. My other thoughts are nuncupatory, unsavory and unworthy of any but mdemifiji. I hate them.

June 7 – Tempestuous. I am worn out. I am woven into this hiding spot (some cruel part of me whispers lair), but I scratch this out as a reminder of indignities.

Night, in the times of glory, unjustly concealed my beauty and that of my sacred squash and corn from the eyes of those who did adore, but I am no longer such a creature, and so I welcome its embrace as I submit – submit – to the call of the hungry knife and its wielder, cursed mdemifiji, slashing his willing offerings into fountains of chains to compel and hold me.

From high above this city, in this alien, filthy glow obscuring the unconscious beauty of the stars even I cannot reach, I sought an eyrie, for I tire of the caves and suspect those of the city will be damp and inhospitably dominated by loathesome carrion eaters. I knew an eyrie millenia ago, and soon found a suitability in a high, older building in which the top levels had been abandoned – or perhaps never were meant for use. Battering my way in, I confirmed its rough adequateness and prepared a simple nest for my contemplative ease.

And then an indignity heretofore unknown was thrust upon me, unimaginable and infuriating. With no control, I found myself desperately distending my hips and veritably rendering my sacred viscera for all to see, and to my shock – I nearly choke writing that phrase even now – I birth an egg.

An egg.

I, who have never dallied, never deigned to engage in this act, have had it thrust upon me. Is this sacred, profane, a crime? A baffled, violated divinity? The concept is absurd, and yet it weighs heavy on me. Now, I rest, the egg taking pride of place in my nest. I feel nothing for it.

June 8 – The profane act of the night burdened me such that even the mdemifiji could not enliven me, and so I thought to hunt. This was simple, as the interlopers, the inhabitants of this hellhole, display themselves openly in their worship of the sun. As an amusement, I plucked a head from one clinging to the side of one of their structures, evidently harassing the occupant, and found the contents flatulent. Next, a swoop, some screaming from my hapless prey, a happy balm to my being, but a traditional, if quick, dispatch through the eye socket, and I soon dined in my new home.

Once finished, I found myself belabored by postprandial morbid thoughts, and took again to wing, this time to observe these horrid creatures at their trivial lives. Acts of consumption like mine, reproduction, even primitive entertainment flitted through my perceptions as I glided high above. A collective act of aggression raises psemiffi[4] in me; not that this was unknown in my mdemifiji, but was a reminder of this primal facet of all existence.

June 9 – Another morsel, this time, for my amusement, taken from a company of them. Their horror was delectable, a fine accompaniment as I crushed the creature’s rib cage and rained gore upon those below. Let them clean it, such is the task I assign them.

Then the mdemifiji’s knife drinks again, and even as I vitalize, I inwardly cower. What will this creature desire? How shall I fulfill the implicit promise of the mdemifiji’s actions? The chains of his desires tighten around me.

June 10 – How can a god be surprised? Yet, here I am, having dined in usual fashion upon two victims, but not having hunted them down. They were lured here by one of those aggressors of which I spoke earlier. Some inferior drama occurred, and the most inferior’s survival depended upon my snapping jaws, as if I were little more than an animal. Insulting, yet filling.

I think they call it room service. How droll.

But I meditate upon this connection, and wonder about the psemiffi involved.

June 11 – It happened. Again. I do not understand it. I shall not speak of it, nor think of it.

But I wonder at something. These creatures and their mechanisms. I ignore them, they are not adulatory of me, but I wonder a little at their function. After I left that other place, they came with those machines and pointed them at my issue. How did they know? Why do they do that?

June 12 – I am more and more aware of these creatures’ mysterious motives. They hold these mechanisms and seemingly point them everywhere. I am now aware that even my first morsel taken in this city was witnessed, despite my fast strike, by such a mechanism. Other forays may also have been captured.

The mdemifiji continues his bloody ways, yet makes no demand upon me. Is resurrection enough for him? Today’s meal appears to have outraged the inhabitants, for they ignored my divine status and stung me with pellets like a swarm of bees, but it was for naught, as I still lunched easily.

June 13 – I barely scratch this out. I am shattered. Why remember it? I am driven. If you are divine, you will  understand.

An empty hunt, but the pleasure of the wind in my wings, came to a fateful end as I found these creatures, these loathesome termites, had invaded my nest. I swept by the tall building on wing and glimpsed through the openings I had made, the shattered fragments of egg and the dead bodies of my offspring, destroyed by these northern barbarians. My anger betrayed me, for though I took sacred vengeance upon several of these worthless creatures with skillful attacks, again they sent the bees to bloody me, likely flung by the invaders of my nest. They clung and dug deeply, and, enervated, I crashed to the ground.

Even as I did so, though, I glimpsed a ghost, a veritable flying mechanism of mechanical wings, and from it hung more of the creatures, silently pointing those other mysterious mechanisms at me. They are beyond me.

Their victory rid them not of their terror, and before they could come to visit upon me horrid vengeance, I crawled into their sewers. From there, I felt the desperation of that depraved mdemifiji, bane of my divinity, ready once more to wield that sacredly wicked knife, but upon whom? In grim humor, I laughed, as he found the creature who had led my attackers to my nest, but that had no interest in being a mdemifiji, and so the sacrifice would be for naught. During remonstrances, another surprised and killed the mdemifiji, condemning me to extinguishment. In that moment of malicious humor, I honored the promise of the mdemifiji’s knife and returned the mdemifiji to life, momentary life once again ended by the vengeful.

His momentary dismay was sweet. I laughed. I expire. Once again.

Received while contemplating Q (1982, aka The Winged Serpent and Q – The Winged Serpent). A wretched little monster movie, suggesting that the gods of the vanquished are violent and inferior to those of the vanquishers, a quetzalcoatl is summoned to New York, where it makes snacks out of the locals.

The connection between Q and this transcript is fleeting and imaginary.

1 The translator’s (or perhaps translators’, as the identity of translator is not revealed) commentary, hurriedly scrawled, indicates the dates are somewhat problematic, but thought to be close to accurate.

2 The translator’s commentary indicates mdemifiji is a concept which begins with our notion of worshiper, but extends it to suggest that a mdemifiji also contributes to the creation of that worshiped. To my knowledge, English has no single word for such a concept, but the concept itself is not unknown; for a fanciful treatment, see Strange Evil, Gaskell, J.

3 Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god of the Maya and allied Central and South American empires. Incidentally, we used a plush quetzalcoatl on a string to finally charm an inherited cat to join our family, years ago. She has since passed on, and the plush quetzalcoatl has been returned to storage. Now I wonder.

4 Psemiffi, the commentary suggests this is a wholly untranslatable concept. Make of it what you will.

They Are Not Little Monsters Of Utter Profit

In case you were wondering if the purpose of corporations is constrained to making as much money as fast as possible, economics professor Steven Pearlstein is here to set you right.


Corporations must be run to maximize value for shareholders.

This is an almost universal belief among corporate executives and directors — that it is their principal mission and legal obligation to deliver the highest possible return to their shareholders. The economist Milton Friedman first declared in the 1970s that the “one social responsibility of business [is] . . . to increase its profits,” but the corporate raiders of the 1980s were the ones who forced that view on executives and directors, threatening to take their companies or fire them if they didn’t go along. Since then, “maximizing shareholder value” has been routinely used to justify layoffs and plant closings, rationalize an orgy of stock buybacks, and defend elaborate corporate schemes to avoid paying taxes. It is now widely taught by business schools, ruthlessly demanded by Wall Street’s analysts and “activist” investors, and lavishly reinforced by executive pay packages tied to profits and share prices.

In fact, corporations are free to balance the interests of shareholders with those of customers, workers or the public, as they did routinely before the 1980s, when companies were loath to boost profits if it meant laying off workers or cutting their benefits. Legally, corporations can be formed for any purpose. Executives and directors owe their fiduciary duty to the corporation, which is not owned by shareholders, as widely believed, but owns itself (in the same way that nobody “owns” you or me). The only time a corporation is obligated to maximize its share price is when it puts itself up for sale. [WaPo]

It’s a mostly reassuring view, except for the part where he states that “Executives and directors owe their fiduciary duty to the corporation, which is not owned by shareholders, as widely believed, but owns itself …“, a view which is certainly not taught to shareholders, at least by The Motley Fool, who does teach investors to consider their stock holdings to a share in ownership of the corporation, and to evaluate their potential investments accordingly (also known as fundamental investing, vs technical investing, which looks for patterns in investor behaviors as found in pricing charts, and results in rapid-fire buying and selling).

But, more importantly, that last view reminds me of the dubious view that corporations are people. I acknowledge this is a difficult subject, and I’ll desist from further commentary.

Instead, I’ll just note that, as an Econ professor, Pearlstein carries a certain amount of authority when he notes that corporations are under no obligation to maximize their profits, and that organizations can have many goals. It makes for an effective rejoinder to those who’d stamp their feet and demand more, more, more!

Review: Dr. Falstaff and the Working Wives of Lake County: A Picnic Operetta

Despite the cool Minnesota fall weather, we were able to attend our yearly appointment to see the latest offering of Mixed Precipitation, the local operetta company, and, in Dr. Falstaff and the Working Wives of Lake County, came away with the up close & personal story of the Environmental Protection Agency’s successful suit to close up the Minnesota Iron Range taconite mines due to the pollution. Sung to the tunes of Bruce Springsteen, Nicolai Otto, and a few pop-music groups, we have here an introduction to the travails which descend upon the taconite miners as their only large industry is forced to close up shop, while brightening the lives of the local fishermen who’ve seen their industry fade under the unceasing pollution of the mining industry.

Meanwhile, a certain Dr. Falstaff has appeared and is chasing the local women about in an uncommonly lecherous manner, no doubt the contribution of Nicolai Otto. While perhaps the discerning critic would ask how these two threads complement each other, it was more than enough for us to see the heinous Falstaff forced to wear moose antlers made of hockey sticks while being serenaded in German by outraged wives of distressed, unemployed men.

Go, have fun, the food was extra good this time (oh, yes, this is a picnic after all), and make some artists happy.

Current Movie Reviews

SPOILER ALERT: This review discusses the details of a movie currently still in theaters, and that discussion may significantly alter your perception of that movie. If you don’t like that, then simply know that Three Identical Strangers is Recommended.

The construction of Three Identical Strangers (2018) is the key to the success of this documentary. Much like the depth and currents behind the events that shaped these three boys’ lives that began prior to their birth, the documentary opens with the happy-happy joy-joy event of identical triplets, separated at birth, accidentally meeting each other as they near their twentieth year. This momentous occurrence is, of course, celebrated by the mass media of the day, who are charmed by the three undeniably charismatic boys, young men that are so alike despite being raised by disparate families. They are on the edge of manhood and possess that glow that comes from the mad coursing of hormones through their veins. Through first person interviews with these men, more than thirty years later, we share in their joy of discovering each other, chasing women and booze, and opening their own business. Incidentally, there is some culture shock in the interviews, as after those 30+ years, the triplets have changed significantly as they gain the insignia of old age.

These initial, surface events are well-told, as they’re narrated by themselves, their friends, and their adoptive families, but after 15 minutes my hair began to itch. It was hard to fathom how to keep up the interest of viewers if the balance of the movie was as light & fluffy as these first few minutes.

And then the movie shifts down a gear to dig into the slope before it. We come to learn that the boys are alike not only in various likes and dislikes, but also that they suffered from mental illness; two of them had spent short periods in the hospital for mental health reasons. They search for and find their biological mother, and, contrary to the fairy-tale mood of the story, they admit she was a bit of a disappointment, and surprised them by downing her booze as fast as they could.

And then the documentary shifts down into yet a lower gear, as the surviving boys, now in their late 50s, recount the suicide of the most charming of the three in his youth. The sense of foreboding is well-developed, so his death is not a complete shock. It comes after one of the other boys, now a young man, has left their jointly owned restaurant (Triplets, of course) and moved away, ostensibly due to disagreements in running the business. Even now, years later, the men are clearly deeply troubled at their brother’s death.

For all that this would seem to be the nadir of the emotional content of the documentary, it then uses this important aspect of their story to transition to the origins of their adoption, and this functions as a shift into yet a lower gear, as if that were possible.

As an investigative journalist who really broke this facet of the story tells us, this was not an ordinary adoption of triplets to separate families. We see as the story unfolds that these triplets, and various other infant multiples put up for adoption through the same adoption agency, are actually part of a study by a psychologist concerning the famous nature / nurture question; how much our genes and our environment contribute to a person’s personality, intelligence, their entire gestalt, if you will. The study subjects are periodically measured and tested using a subterfuge, so the families are not aware that their children are even multiples, much less part of a study. When this fact is discovered, the adoptive parents converge on the adoption agency, but leave in anger as they’re successfully stonewalled.

The exact nature of the research is never revealed, for, in fact, the study was never published, and no results were given to anyone that can be found.  The data is hidden away in a vault under a 100-year legal seal controlled by a secretive council, the lead psychologist has died, and those assistants that can be found claim to know little about the overall study.

But this doesn’t hinder the documentary from asking the questions that are the hardest ones to answer. Consider the question of the ethics of manipulating the multiples into being introduced into separate families. The surviving triplets, as well as other multiples who were also unknowing subjects, are absolutely livid at their treatment. I think their unspoken contention is that they felt they were three parts of an single composite organism, and their separation has proven their undoing; they mourn what might have been, if only they had been raised together.

But there are other viewpoints on that question. The psychologist in charge, who is defended by one of his surviving assistants, may have argued that an assertion that separation was damaging was unscientific as it had never been studied, and the multiples were simply multiple human beings who happened to share identical genetics at the start of their lives. They thus presented an excellent opportunity for exploring the nature / nurture question, and there is no ethical boundary violated just by separating them. If, in fact, the study at least hinted that they were damaged by the separation, then one could suggest that another such study would be unethical, but this study was not, as an ethical breach requires the knowing damage to the health of one or more individuals.

On the other hand, one of the adoptive family members, a Holocaust survivor, points out that when people play with the lives of other people, it seems like disaster always ensues. She has quite a presence in the movie, and it’s a viewpoint worth thinking about.

It’s definitely an emotional point that can bring on a lot of discussion. One of the few mistakes of the documentarians was to permit the statement that many of these multiples suffered from mental health issues, and that more than the single suicide occurred. This may have been intended to suggest that an ethical breach really did occur, but to my mind, the statement is without context. How many study subjects were there, and what was the rate of suicide? Are there too few subjects to make the rate worthy of comparison to the general population suicide rate? And, as my Arts Editor pointed out, if the biological mothers of these multiples chose to give up these children, this can often be indicative of mental illness, given the strength of normal (or at least supposedly normal) maternal instinct, and since some mental illness is heritable, this may contaminate the conclusions of the study.

This all made for quite the discussion after the showing. All together, this is a well made movie about a provocative topic which will stretch most folks’ minds.


It’s Fatiguing, Ctd

A reader remarks on some information concerning Professor Ford’s actions in the Kavanaugh nomination fiasco:

Except it wasn’t last minute. I heard Ford testify that she called the WH when she heard Kavanaugh was even on the list of candidates. They ignored her. She called again after his nomination. They tried to suppress it. Then she went public. Conspiracy? Guess we’re just paranoid. Or. Women don’t matter to Republicans? Surely no evidence of that…

I remember running across this yesterday, although I misrember where. Still being a working dude and not having a natural appetite for politics nor meetings, I’ve only seen scattered bits of the testimony; my Arts Editor has seen far more than I. Perhaps she’ll comment.

This testimony does increase Ford’s credibility, although, donning my conservative conspiracy theorist hat, it could have all been planned as a way to discredit Kavanaugh the moment his name appeared on the list of Federalist Society sponsored possibilities. I’m not a conservative conspiracy theorist, however, so I’ll just go with increasing the credibility of an academic, who, trained[1] in the intricacies of psychology, can give credible explanations for the impacts of the incident on her memory and behaviors.

Back to the original topic, I’m still fatigued, and now that the final vote has been delayed for a week while the FBI conducts an investigation[2], I suppose my fatigue will increase. But I can’t help but notice how the Republicans’ nuts are caught in a walnut cracker[3], and, worse, it’s of their own making.

By refusing to demand the White House release all material relevant to the nomination, hiding behind the rubric of Executive Privilege, the GOP members of the Judiciary Committee have politicized the nomination process. Some may proclaim that these nominations are always political fights, but, ideally, the legislative branch is a co-equal and independent branch of American government, and thus should have a neutral beginning position to the question of whether a nominee to SCOTUS is qualified or not. Making such an evaluation should require the acquisition and evaluation of all relevant materials. By not demanding that material, these Republicans have marked themselves as partisans, putting party over country. Incidentally, this is a view that an apparently large number of Americans already have of the GOP, and they might do well not to reinforce such a perception of base dishonor.

They, as most of us know, also initially rejected the Democrat’s request of an FBI investigation into the matter of Ford’s allegations, another mark of partisanship. Their dislike of putting Kavanaugh completely on the stage, rather than to just have his head and one hand projecting from stage left, is disappointing and suspicious.

Furthermore, Kavanaugh himself has politicized the process, as sane conservative voices have emphasized, by sitting down with the least fair and balanced major news network, Fox News, for a rebuttal interview, and then indulging in a outburst in yesterday’s committee interview that can be best considered to be the output of a partisan hack (see the same link).

In the end, the GOP’s desperate need to seat Kavanaugh, to not see President Trump defeated, forced them to accept a new FBI investigation as the price of Senator Flake’s vote, and, worse, endure an entire week of their brand being further damaged. Their flip-flop looks bad to base, independents, and liberals alike.

I have to wonder how they’ll respond during this week. I noted they’ve already emphasized the supposed limits on the investigation. If the FBI comes back with substantive positive results, they may try to suggest the FBI exceeded those limits, combine that with their sustained attacks on their former favorite institution over the last year, and use that to invalidate the very results they’ve purportedly solicited. But would they then ram his nomination over the finish line? The mid-terms, which may result in a change of who leads the Senate, looms like a smoking volcano over a village of alarmed people. And even if the more extremist members of the GOP succeeds in smearing the FBI investigation, that doesn’t guarantee their more moderate members will play along. Senators Collins, Murkowski, Flake, and perhaps even Corker may choose to accept a substantive report at face value and vote against Kavanaugh. I am not aware of any reports of defection among the Democratic Senators, so if two of these Senators voted against, the issue would be dead. Indeed, if those two told their colleagues of their final determination, we might see a number of Republican Senators suddenly throw Kavanaugh under the bus. But this is all speculative; I don’t expect the FBI to come up with any substantive findings, and they are restricted to Professor Ford’s allegations; my understanding is that investigation of allegations from other accusers are off-limits.

Long time readers will know that I prefer to add the acronym IJ to references to Associate Justice Gorsuch, as in Justice Gorsuch, IJ, which stands for Illegitimate Justice, and I think that Judge Kavanaugh may acquire the same permanent caveat if his backers achieve victory. My suspicion is, in the event of his ascension to Associate Justice Kavanaugh, the old and venerable word Pyrrhic may re-enter the American conversation.

1 I feel a little odd saying trained in the intricacies of psychology, as it’s really apparent that we’re barely started on understanding one of the most difficult of topics. Remember the astronomer’s remark that the intricacies of the physical processes of a star are as nothing to the biological processes of a frog? Well, the intricacies of the human brain, intellect, emotions, and kaboodle are the next step on that progression.

2 But our President has assured us that the Federal Bureau of Investigation doesn’t, you know, conduct investigations. So what’s up with this?

3 Perhaps this is unnecessarily graphic. I tried to find a pic to accompany note #1, above, and discovered “star frog” returns descriptions of a wrestling move called the Five Star Frog Splash. Be glad I didn’t go looking for a pic to accompany this note.

If You Despair

If you despair over the Kavanaugh hearing and what it might mean for the country, remember that the ideologies of the combatants are all equally vulnerable to one force.


The current participants in this grand clusterfuck of American society are also acting, if inadvertently, as teachers for the younger generations. These actors in the drama, be their name Pelosi, Feinstein, Kavanaugh, or Grassley, have so much invested in their positions that they cannot abandon the redoubts they now man, for to do so would be to give a lie to their positions, to ruin their reputations, to even lay waste to their families.

But the generations that follow them, that follow me (augh!), they don’t have those monstrous investments. They can still evaluate, with grave honesty and reference to the ideals deduced throughout the centuries, the actions taken by both sides. The current conservative movement members indulge in grand mendacity over the last decade? That’s a big black mark. The progressives are terribly intolerant, giving birth to the violent antifa movement, and otherwise alienating their fellow countrymen? That’s another big black mark.

Those teachers, and the rest of us, are not role models, but rather examples of the outcomes caused by our ideological choices, and those results are on NEON FUCKING DISPLAY in Washington for some of us.

All the youthful generations need to do is pay sober, long attention, and to remember that box of choices from which they draw is not a blind draw, only somewhat occluded, and contains far more choices than the two dominant ideological positions of today. They need to remember that, if you want it to be an effective choice, it means you’ll have to join up with others, either formally or informally, and that those you work with won’t be perfect, just as you aren’t. The trick is not to demand perfection, nor is it to tolerate imperfections, but to determine which imperfections are deal-breakers, which can transformed into virtues, and which ones, like bad hairlines, must merely be tolerated. Those may be personal, singular choices, but in the aggregate they shape society; making these determinations are the essence of justice.

I encourage them to question every assumption that has applicability to these and future political debates, from being of conservative or liberal temperament to the wisdom of adhering to any religious sect, or to choose to be an atheist, and to be aware that the latter case leaves one with hard choices concerning morality and philosophy that are not always faced by religious adherents – but both religious adherents and atheists have brought fear and suffering upon the innocent, and, worse, not through any malicious intent.

One day they’ll be in charge, dealing with problems of ecological degradation, national aggression, and other issues endemic to the severely over-populated world in which we live. For those who believe we’re on the edge of societal polarization and ruin today, as the final Kavanaugh vote is unexpectedly delayed a week for an FBI investigation, remember that the sweeping hand of time will brush these fugitive issues from us, and leave to our successors the responsibility of wise and skillful governance. Just as any despair for the foolishness of today will be swept away, so will that foolishness.

May they do better than us.

Making The Case For Mature Evaluation

For good reason, this paragraph in a WaPo report on the Trump Administration’s foggy position on climate change caught my attention:

Trump has vowed to exit the Paris accord and called climate change a hoax. In the past two months, the White House has pushed to dismantle nearly half a dozen major rules aimed at reducing greenhouse gases, deregulatory moves intended to save companies hundreds of millions of dollars.

What gets my attention is that the paragraph succinctly and vividly states both the putative reason / metric for removing regulations, namely Saving Business Millions!, and, through its second statement on climate change gases, the real metric by which this particular deregulation should be measured.

It reminds me that misdirection is one of the implements in the toolbox of humanity, and a prime example is in the current political scene in Washington. The Trump Administration announces the deep-sixing of a regulation, its pundits pronounce on how foolish it was of the Obama Administration to have promulgated such a regulation, the Trump base runs around celebrating the staking of another vampire regulation, and it’s left to the critics to discern the negative impacts of the striking of that regulation.

For those readers who think this is usual politics, no, it’s not, or at least it shouldn’t be. These transactions between our leadership and the citizens should be explained as to their goals, consequences, and side-effects, and while I wasn’t paying much attention during earlier Administrations, I do recall just such projections being made during the debate on the ACA.

The real arguments and critiques should be concerning the projections and unintended side-effects of the proposed changes to laws, rules, and regulations; we shouldn’t be critiquing the fact that these communications completely omit important details.

OK, enough nit-picking. Almost in passing I note this passage in the article:

“The amazing thing they’re saying is human activities are going to lead to this rise of carbon dioxide that is disastrous for the environment and society. And then they’re saying they’re not going to do anything about it,” said Michael MacCracken, who served as a senior scientist at the U.S. Global Change Research Program from 1993 to 2002.

The document projects that global temperature will rise by nearly 3.5 degrees Celsius above the average temperature between 1986 and 2005 regardless of whether Obama-era tailpipe standards take effect or are frozen for six years, as the Trump administration has proposed. The global average temperature rose more than 0.5 degrees Celsius between 1880, the start of industrialization, and 1986, so the analysis assumes a roughly four degree Celsius or seven degree Fahrenheit increase from preindustrial levels.

The world would have to make deep cuts in carbon emissions to avoid this drastic warming, the analysis states. And that “would require substantial increases in technology innovation and adoption compared to today’s levels and would require the economy and the vehicle fleet to move away from the use of fossil fuels, which is not currently technologically feasible or economically feasible.”

In other words, these guys aren’t the game fighters for our future that we’d like them to be, they’d rather do nothing but lay waste to the world, including their own nation, in order to preserve the profits of the fossil fuel industry.

Perhaps my interpretation is extreme, but this is certainly how it feels to me.

The Dangers Of The Timeless Morality Of Yesterday

Kevin Drum draws a lesson or two from Kavanaugh hearings:

This sense of endless victimization by liberals didn’t start with Donald Trump, but it’s no surprise that it’s reached his peak during his presidency. He literally rode conservative victimization to the White House and taught Republicans that it was even more powerful than they thought. Now they’re using it as their best chance of persuading a few lone Republican holdouts to vote for Kavanaugh not on the merits, but so that Democrats don’t have the satisfaction of seeing their contemptible plot work.

The problem here is not that Republicans were grandstanding over imagined liberal schemes to destroy anyone and anything in pursuit of their poisonous schemes to crush everything good about America. The problem is that most of it wasn’t grandstanding. They believe this deeply and angrily. And it explains the lengths Republicans are willing to go to these days—even to the appalling extent of accepting a cretin like Donald Trump as a party leader. If you believe that your political opposites aren’t just opponents, but literally enemies of the country, then of course you’ll do almost anything to stop them. I would too if that’s what I thought.

There are some liberals who do think that—and more and more of them since Donald Trump was elected. But it’s still a relatively small part of the progressive movement. In the conservative movement it’s an animating principle. This is why it so desperately needs to be stopped—not by destroying Republicans, but by voting them out of office. We simply can’t afford to have a major party run for the benefit of fearful whites who are dedicated to a scorched-earth belief that liberals are betraying the nation. It has to end, and Republicans themselves are ultimately the only ones who can end it. We need a real conservative party again.

While we could talk about the merciless patronizing attitudes you find in the outer reaches of the progressive movement and other minor details, I’d like to note that Kevin didn’t delve into the psychodynamics behind all this.

As Barry Goldwater predicted so long ago, the conservative movement has become intractable due to the influence of religious personalities & dogma. Keeping in mind that conservative Christian sects teach that morality is immutable, then the signs of societal change becomes one of the signs of the pervasive evil of the liberal movement, from same-sex marriage to transgender bathrooms.

This belief in the timelessness of the current order of yesterday is not confined to the sexual arena, either. There is, of course, the close association between these Christian sects and American patriotism, often resulting in the mistaken claim that the United States is a Christian nation. Patriotism is a pillar of the religious-conservative movement. But it also resonates in the commercial world. Remember this Trump rally slogan, Trump Digs Coal? The persistence of coal mining families in their devotion to an occupation which is manifestly on its way out is embodies a belief in the rightness of an unchanging reality. The libertarian wing of the conservatives believe in the creative destruction of the free market, and so they must find the rigid stance of the conservatives to be an annoying character flaw, and it makes me wonder how much longer the libertarians will form any sort of substantial portion of the conservatives, confronted as they will be by quasi-conservative-mercantilism, seeing as the Republicans seem to be in the process of discarding their devotion to free markets (see: tariffs and, especially, tariff waivers).

President Trump has tried to ride this belief in his tirade against those companies which have made strategic moves to minimize the impact of his tariff wars on their financial results, perhaps most notably motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson. The tariff wars are weapons against the forces of change in the world in the minds of those conservatives not married to free market principles, and it must strike those folks particularly hard that H-D, perhaps the motorcycle manufacturer most closely associated with American patriotism, chose to move certain operations to Europe. Perhaps Trump was unsurprised, but his supporters must have been shocked that H-D did not choose to tough it out in the belief that fighting for unchanging reality was the way to go. Their acquiescence to the need to change in order to survive marked them as traitors to the movement that marries the blasphemy of religious certitude to the commercial world.

But in this reality in which we all exist and operate, change is inevitable in virtually all domains, including religion, society, morality, mores, and commerce. H-D recognizes the easy truth of the last in that list; the others are a more difficult sell, but I think the mendacious nature of President Trump is proof of the essential truth of my assertion concerning the necessarily malleable nature of religions, morality, and mores. No, these are not unchanging institutions, nor are they unflawed.

The refusal to recognize these truths has already transformed the Evangelicals from a group that could at least make an argument to holding the moral high ground into a group that would be the laughingstock of American society due to its imbecilic hypocrisy in voting for a President at such odds to their alleged principles if it didn’t happen that they are one of the most important groups enabling President Trump to win high office – and have one of their own occupying the office of Vice-President.

And a number of pundits with more coverage than I have remarked upon the extraordinary transformations of various conservative movement conservatives from reasonable politicians into ideologues who espouse new ideals in opposition of old ideals. Some have asked outright what has happened; one of the most recent examples is Senator Graham (R-SC), who at one time was an affirmed NeverTrumper, but now golfs with President Trump and does his bidding in the Senate. The mendacity of the Republicans over the last decade has been quite astounding, and is again indicative of a spiritual illness at the heart of the movement, an inability to accept the basic nature of reality; notable as semi-exceptions are retiring Senators Flake (AZ) and Corker (TN). The fact that both men, neither particularly elderly members of the Senate, have chosen to retire rather than continue indicates their deep unease with a movement that is cancerous at its heart. Senator Flake, in particular,  has made speeches to this effect.

Oh, look, there’s Senator Graham! Or is that Senator McConnell? It’s so hard to tell.

Naturally, no one wants to taint themselves with evil, so compromise is impossible; in the desperate dance to avoid that liberal evil, though, other puddles of evil are splashed in, until the coating of evil that comes from irrationality religious certitude begins to resemble that of the La Brea Tar Pits. In the interests of bad analogies everywhere, the trumpeting of Senator Graham at the recent Kavanaugh nomination committee hearing in his attempt to shame the Democrats for the tactics originating with the Republicans (mention Merrick Garland within Graham’s hearing and he’ll turn into dust, I fear) may be that of those creatures caught in the gooey tar, calling for help, yet unable to comprehend their imminent irrelevance to the future survival of this country’s true core: secular justice and prosperity. The only thing that keeps them vaguely relevant is their superior marketing machine, and even that may not be able to overcome the monstrousness of their twisted former selves.

Senator Lugar (R-IN), where are you? I think you’re party needs you and  your spiritual descendants.

It’s Fatiguing, Ctd

A reader wishes to make a point clear concerning the late appearance of sexual misconduct allegations in the Kavanaugh nomination for SCOTUS:

Why are these assault accusations showing up at the last minute? Because the people making them didn’t want to relive the trauma, because they didn’t want to become public and the target of so much hate, vitriol and actual death threats. They’d rather have had Kavanaugh’s nomination fail on its own accord, but couldn’t stand by when it looked like a serial criminal was about to get a life appointment to the Supreme Court. In the case of Ramirez, it turns out that a group of Yale grads who know her have been yakking about the Kavanaugh nomination since it was made in July in private email amongst themselves — they were appalled. What could they do? Did they want to go public? What facts did they have at their disposal after 35 years? So, no, it’s not the mid-terms.

Nor did I wish to insinuate anything against the women in question. Taken out of context, few people would contest that interpretation, but as a group, it’s easy for the conspiracy theorist to see a malicious pattern.

I read an essay over the weekend which claimed that the real point of the Kavanaugh nomination was not only to get someone who would kowtow to the Federalist Society’s warped right-wing view on politics, someone who would be corporate-personhood’s shill, but to simply ram someone down our throats who we all knew was a bad actor to simply show the GOP’s power and for them to bask in the “win” of making us all live with a serial sexual criminal as a justice. It’s about winning, the crushing of your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.*

Speaking of conspiracy theorists, this concerted attack does seem like something Russia might want to have happen to us, no? It might work if people keep sticking to their System 1 thinking, too, but I think we’ll soon figure it out and stop that.

For The Long Term

Reading Jennifer Rubin’s article in WaPo sparked a thought about the future. Rubin’s sounds fairly confident about where the mid-terms are going:

However, given the numbers, the Republicans’ unwillingness to examine what is going so very wrong and make adjustments is rather remarkable. It might be possible to save some seats, yet they are doubling down on losing positions. They might be too nervous about raising the alarm given President Trump’s nonstop cheerleading and intolerance for negative facts, or they also might have lost touch with political reality, caught up in the Trump whirlwind of paranoia and tribalism. Weirdly, though, you still see a batch of right-leaning pundits declare that if they pull Kavanaugh, the Republicans are done for. The base will bolt!

They’ve already bolted. Maybe it is a grand coincidence, but the decline in GOP polling fortunes in House and Senate races coincides with a huge dropoff in support for Kavanaugh among GOP women. Trump falsely and repeatedly says he won 52 percent of women. He actually won 52 percent of white women (suggesting nonwhites are invisible to him), only 41 percent of women overall. Some of those certainly are stampeding away from the party in House and Senate races as they watch the GOP fight furiously to the death over Kavanaugh, a Beltway elite whose own calendar doesn’t support his self-image of a Boy Scout and teen feminist.

The focus is understandably on the immediate results of the midterms. But suppose the Democrats win – then what? Putting aside the problem of an incompetent President, the Democrats have been in eclipse for much of the last twenty years or more years, as the Republicans have been in control of the legislative wing for much of that time. Being in the minority makes it difficult to impress the voters, so they need to be thoughtful about how they conduct themselves.

I saw that carefully. The manner in which they conduct themselves will matter more, electorally speaking, than what is actually accomplished. As an object lesson, the Tax Reform of 2017 (or what I just call Tax Change) was passed by the Republicans in the expectation that it would be the horse on which they’d gallop to victory in 2018. The economy would be erupting with growth, money would flow like wine, and everyone would congratulate them by re-electing them.

That strategy has been abandoned as the effective messaging of the Democrats concerning the beneficiaries of that bill has had its effect on Independents and even possibly moderate Republicans. And that abandonment has left the Republicans floundering. Even their second appointment to SCOTUS, illegitimate as it is, has alienated parts of their base, as Rubin suggests.

If the Democrats win only one house of Congress, then there’s not a whole lot they can do. But if they win both, then they must do two things.

  1. They must conduct the business of the House and the Senate using the procedures which have been developed over two centuries of serious work. That means committee meetings, public debates, consultation with experts, acceptance of amendments, and all that heavy lifting which the Republicans didn’t want to do. Remember the House basically abdicated its Constitutional responsibility during the healthcare and tax process to the Senate? That is completely unacceptable and speaks to the incompetence of Speaker Ryan and his committee chairs. The American people can’t and shouldn’t put up with it.
  2. They should communicate their dedication to these processes to the American people. The technological tools are available. They need that dedication to realize that the American people will be a lot more approving of them if they’re seen as respecting the rules and procedures of Congress, and  use them to good effect, rather than piddling on them. I don’t want to use that worn out word transparency, but that’s the core of this advice: to be convincing, they cannot be opaque.

If the Democrats take this seriously, then the country will benefit doubly as the Republicans are forced to kick out the incompetents currently in charge in order to begin winning elections again, maybe refuse the money flowing from corporate and foreign interests, and rebuild their leadership processes to produce people who really do deserve to be elected and help govern this nation wisely.

Silly-Ass Remark Of The Day

Courtesy WaPo:

China now, put on $250 billion, and they’re paying 25 percent on that. They’re paying billions and billions — this has never happened to China, and I like China and I like President Xi a lot. I think he’s a friend of mine, he may not be a friend of mine anymore, but I think he probably respects — from what I hear, if you look at Mr. Pillsbury, the leading authority on China.

He was on a good show, I won’t mention the name of the show, recently, and he was saying that China has total respect for Donald Trump and for Donald Trump’s very, very large brain. He said Donald Trump, they don’t know what to do — never happened. [President Donald J. Trump]

I really do think he’s in early-stage dementia.

I’m Like A Lot Of Other People

Over the last couple of days I’ve been goggling over this Fox News Poll result, which I’ll have Steve Benen describe for us:

But toward the very bottom on the survey, there was a question we don’t generally see in most national polls:

Which of the following best describes how you feel about Democrats?

“They love America and truly want what’s best for the country,” or “They simply want what’s best for their party, even if it hurts the country.”

Which of the following best describes how you feel about Republicans?

“They love America and truly want what’s best for the country,” or “They simply want what’s best for their party, even if it hurts the country.”

Among likely voters, Democrats didn’t fare all that well: 44% of the public believes Dems love the country and what what’s best for it, while 43% believe Democrats simply want what’s best for their party. Ideally, a popular party would see a much larger gap, with the former easily outnumbering the latter.

But public attitudes about the GOP were quite a bit worse. The Fox News poll found that 36% of likely voters believe Republicans sincerely want what’s best for the country, while a 52% majority sees Republicans putting their party’s interests above the nation’s interests.

If you want the raw data, it’s questions 46 & 47 at the poll link.

Here’s Steve’s graph, just to emphasize:

I’m amazed that Fox News, widely considered the propaganda arm of the White House and GOP[1], permitted that result to go out, as it clearly depicts in general American opinion that Republicans as far worse in the grubby, self-centered politicians department than the Democrats.

But it’s certainly congruent with my observations on the matter, as that happens to be a major trait of second- and third- raters, too often willing to proclaim their patriotism as they enrich themselves in various ways, distracting the voters in various ways.

Having thought about it, I suppose Fox News is really doing the Republicans a service by letting them know the general opinion of them. Of course, such news can be self-reinforcing, but that’s a chance they have to take.

And, if they’re really a news organization, they’re honor-bound to release all the results of the poll. Maybe whoever is running things over there is getting an uneasy feeling about the guy they’ve been busy enabling.

1 Although sometimes just who’s the horse and who’s the carriage is debatable.

Word Of The Day


  1. American History. a representative in the popular branch of the colonial legislature of Virginia or Maryland.
  2. (formerly) a representative of a borough in the British Parliament.
  3. Rare. an inhabitant of an English borough. []

From “Jamestown Archaeologists Discover 400-Year-Old Burial,” Paula Neely, american archaeology (fall 2018, print-only):

The grave was in the choir section of a wooden church built in 1617, in the center aisle between benches where representatives from the burgesses would have sat, said David Givens, directory of archaeology for Jamestown Rediscovery. It was a special location just below the altar that would have been reserved for a prominent individual.

Belated Movie Reviews

It’s low budget when you have to wear your badly painted motorcycle helmet on your head.

It’s the night of the unsightly fusion when Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter (1966) crosses the screen. On the one hand, we have a fairly reasonable Jesse James, on the run after his gang has been slaughtered, with Hank Tracy (aka The Steriodal Monster, as my Arts Editor described him) tagging along as they meet up with another gang in order to ambush a Wells Fargo stagecoach. In a nice plot twist, the drunken, resentful brother of the head of the other gang betrays them to the marshal, so WATCH OUT, IT’S AN AMBUSH. As this was at a mountain pass, we had the ambushers of the ambushers hiding in the rocks, and the ambushers of the stage coach also hiding in the rocks. Soon, ambushers are falling like crazy.


On the other hand, we have a standard-fare mad scientist movie, as the daughter of Dr. Frankenstein, Frau Doctor Frankenstein, and her brother or uncle (I was unclear), Rudolph, have moved to the Old West to continue their quest to replace a human brain with an artificial brain. When James shows up with a wounded Tracy in tow, she cannot resist Tracy’s muscular build and dull speech patterns, but it fails to go well with him, as he eventually, after having a pie plate sewn into his skull, ends up killing Rudolph, then the Frau, before having a go at James and the sheriff; only the arrival of James’ girlfriend saves the latter from the clutches, literal, of James’ former friend.

Yeah, it’s not particularly good nor awful enough to be fun. At least Jesse James really did look like Jesse James might have looked like. A sad day when that’s the best to hope for.

Pushing Him To The Edge, Ctd

With regards to the imminent government shutdown of which no one is really speaking, WaPo reports the supposed pledge of President Trump to sign the bipartisan stop-gap bill:

President Trump pledged Wednesday that he would not allow the government to partially shut down next week, backing down from his demand that Congress appropriate billions of dollars for new construction of a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.

Keeping the government open after Sunday would require Trump to sign a bipartisan spending bill from Congress, something he had resisted committing to for weeks. But Wednesday, with anxiety building on Capitol Hill, he suggested that he planned to acquiesce.

I’ll believe it when I see it. Trump is addicted to high drama, and he may delay signing it until the very last moment.

Spiking Upwards?

Kevin Drum meditates on the relative prices of oil:

The two most widely traded grades of oil are Brent Crude and West Texas Intermediate. Most of the time their price in the global market is close to identical, but for the past year Brent has been selling at a significant premium. That premium has bounced up and down, but for most of September it’s hovered just under $10 per barrel. Why?

No one knows for sure. There are some fundamental differences between Brent and WTI, but they’re small and haven’t really changed much lately. The best guess seems to be that Brent commands a premium when traders are nervous about the Mideast oil supply—though I’ll confess that the explanations for this don’t make a lot of sense to me. Regardless, that seems to be the conventional wisdom: when things get worse in the Middle East, both the Brent premium and the price of oil in general get higher. And right now they’re both getting higher.

I would suspect the unsettled political situation in Saudi Arabia is causing a lot of edginess. This might indicate a jump in gas prices sometime soon.