Belated Movie Reviews

Four kids and their Yorkie, named Fluffy. Or Gabriel. I can never remember.

Mysterious Island (2005) is a mixture of pirates, giant creatures out for a bite of dainty human flesh, and, ah, Captain Nemo and his submarine, the Nautilus. Oh, and Union and Confederate soldiers shepherding a few ladies.

It’s really quite the mess. The special effects, as well as the script, are particularly wretched, while the acting, featuring Patrick Stewart and Kyle MacLachlan, is not that bad. However, it also has some dude playing the pirate captain, who is stuck with terribly cliched dialog and compensates by leaving toothmarks all over the scenery.

All in all, absent a completist urge of some sort, I don’t think this is worth your time.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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