Belated Movie Reviews

When the wrong size bomb is used, crockery can be broken.

When The Wind Blows (1986) is a strange mixture of cartoon, model, and live-action movie concerning an elderly English couple and their common-sense platitudes, going up against a Soviet bomb.

Is it good? Well, sometimes questions regarding whether a story is good or bad is very much dependent on the context in which it was dreamed up. This was based on the novel of the same name from 1982, and may have had great impact on the British society and government of the time. However, for me this story of the Bloggs, products of World War II sensibilities, is more of a curiosity, perhaps an early warning about how the abusive uses of energy can lead to the worst of outcomes.

And asks the question, How does our limited wisdom deal with nearly unlimited power and human shortcomings?

It can leave the audience wondering where it’s going, but necessarily requires some patience.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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