Destined For Trivial Pursuit

Yeah, I can see this popping up on a card in a future edition of Trivial Pursuit under Who Said This?

“What are the chances that Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST President in the history of the U.S., whose Presidency was Unconstitutionally STOLEN from him by Kambla, Barrack HUSSEIN Obama, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Shifty Adam Schiff, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, and others on the Lunatic Left, CRASHES the Democrat National Convention and tries to take back the Nomination, beginning with challenging me to another DEBATE. He feels that he made a historically tragic mistake by handing over the U.S. Presidency, a COUP, to the people in the World he most hates, and he wants it back, NOW!!!!” — Donald J. Trump

Wow. Why does anyone even associate with him anymore? Oh, yeah, that’s right.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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