Stamping Their Feet And Wailing

For those readers worrying about the fate of Speaker of the Wisconsin House Robin Vos (R-WI), you can put yourself at ease:

The bipartisan Wisconsin Elections Commission on Thursday rejected an effort to force a recall election of the state’s top Republican after determining that not enough valid signatures were collected.

The vote by three Republican commissioners and one Democratic commissioner means Assembly Speaker Robin Vos will not have to stand for a recall election unless a court intervenes. Vos was targeted for recall by fellow Republicans and supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Recall organizers targeted Vos, the longest-serving Assembly speaker in Wisconsin history, after he refused calls to decertify President Joe Biden’s narrow win in the state. Biden’s win of about 21,000 votes has withstood two partial recounts, lawsuits, an independent audit and a review by a conservative law firm.

Vos further angered Trump supporters when he did not back a plan to impeach Meagan Wolfe, the state’s top elections official. [AP]

Described as an extremist (but not listed in On The Issues), Vos would have to be to be Speaker of the Wisconsin House. He refused to decertify the official Wisconsin electors to the Electoral College not because of personal foible or whimsical folly, but because Wisconsin law does not permit such an action by the Wisconsin Speaker, or so I read.

The law can function as an impermeable wall, and while the unelected can shriek, childishly, all they want about what they want, those who are staring penalties in the face, who suddenly discover reality is waiting to carry them away for a terrible day on the Antarctic continent, will, more often than not, change their tune; those who don’t more often find themselves running for refuge in the Cayman Islands, or sitting in the pokey, as they discover their elevated social position does not permit them to ignore the law.

I don’t write the above for my own amusement, but to make a point for the non-political reader who is uneasily trying to make sense of a political ocean suddenly awash in unfamiliar creatures talking about events from long ago (more than two years, that is), and weeping that they accomplished this or that and are not getting credit. Meanwhile, another set of creatures dispute the first set of claims.

Who to believe?

How about treat them like children? Those who behave like spoiled brats are disbelieved first, because, as we all know[1], spoiled brats have no allegiance to truth and honesty, and that’s what most of us believe is necessary for good and effective government. The other kids are at least struggling to integrate an allegiance to truth with their natural narcissism, and some of them are doing admirably well.

In the above example, we can see the Republicans, both the unnamed managers of the Vos recall effort, as well as Mr. Trump, exhibit the behavior of spoiled brats, angrily demanding what they cannot have, and when told No!, screaming all the louder executing idiotic legal actions.

This emblematic action is why every voter who considers themselves a good person should not vote for Mr. Trump. Yes, both sides are flawed, but I believe the Democrats are better suited for governance than the current set of brats making up the Republicans, from dog-catcher to SCOTUS justice. They just need some correction.

1 Or should know. Except for the spoiled brats who survived to childhood. Many of them cling to their anti-social personality, but learn to play nice with others. We normal types like to call them sociopaths, and, in our lazy moments, dream of permanently ridding ourselves of them.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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