The Importance Of Greed

This is a disconcerting headline on CNN/Business:

Chiquita found liable for financing paramilitary group

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For those not familiar with the name, Chiquita produces and distributes bananas, primarily from South America; they were once known as the United Fruit Co. In general, banana companies have been known to treat Central and South America as its own little plantation; the advent of leftist political movements and groups in those areas generated alarm concerning their profits.

So it appears Chiquita was willing to terrorize and kill those who threatened their profit.

At the moment, they appear to be liable for some fines, but the question of, well, humanity raises its head. Shouldn’t the folks who financed and enabled such actions be punished rather more severely? Admonishment is hardly enough.

I’m just rather gobsmacked that this happened. Yeah, yeah, I’m naive. But it’s true.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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