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This is a bit mind, er, bending:

… gravitational lensing has been around for a while, but now it is about to enter a compelling new chapter. Scientists know it isn’t just light that can be lensed, but gravitational waves too. It is a mind-bending concept: ripples in space-time themselves being distorted by the curvature of space. It is also a deeply important phenomenon that could illuminate the secret interiors of neutron stars, settle a mystery about the power of dark energy and test gravity itself more keenly than ever. And here is the best part: we may be on the cusp of spotting our first lensed gravitational wave. [“We are about to hear echoes in the fabric of space for the first time,” Jonathan O’Callaghan, NewScientist (18 May 2024, paywall)]

Gravity waves are just barely within my comprehension, my intuition. I’m not sure if gravity lensing marches out into Here there be dragons territory, or if it still makes sense.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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