Why Isn’t He On His Plane Heading Out Of Town?

Erick Erickson’s reaction to Mr Trump’s hysterical They’re out to get me is on the mark:

I am increasingly worried about the perpetual outrage that seems to be enveloping the right. The perfect example is this morning’s revelation of “use of force” language in the DOJ search warrant for Mar-a-Lago which has spawned countless people to claim this was an assassination attempt by Joe Biden against Donald Trump. As I wrote this morning, this is pro forma language included in every search warrant which the DOJ moronically forgot to remove.

This was dumb, but to claim it was an assassination attempt simply doesn’t hold water. The DOJ coordinated with the Secret Service to only enter the property when Trump was not present and planned to use the same language in the search warrant for Biden’s property before the President’s team invited them inside. But the outrage machine is spinning out of control on the right over it. Members of Congress and countless pundits are spilling vast amounts of ink to whip everyone into existential outrage.

To which I’d only like to add, If Trump were actually serious in his claims that Biden had sent the FBI to assassinate him, then why isn’t Trump in his airliner, traveling to the safe haven of Russia?

The problem is that the MAGA base has been trained not to step back and think. Just react.

It’s a cult.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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