Historical Ignorance Is Not A Good Look

Sorry, but this has been bouncing around in my skull for a while:

Entering the fourth week of his hush-money trial in New York, Donald Trump over the weekend sharply escalated his attacks on the justice system, telling donors at a private event in Florida that President Joe Biden is “running a Gestapo administration.”

His remarks came just days after the former president was held in criminal contempt in New York for violating a judge’s gag order, and with the ongoing proceedings in the case constraining him for four days each week to a New York courtroom.

Pinned down in that trial — and facing dozens of criminal charges in four separate cases altogether — Trump is increasingly casting himself as the victim of the judicial system. [Politico]

If this were true, then Trump wouldn’t be around to breathlessly complain about it. Instead, we’d find Trump’s body in an anonymous alley somewhere, the side of his head blown off.

Or he might have been an hour for a military tribunal, followed by a ritualistic execution by firing squad. That’s how the Gestapo operated.

But he’s still around. Getting a trial, with a jury, watched over by the press and everything. Hell, press who find him useful even lie about the trial. What more does the poor baby guy want?

Sorry, God has no sympathy for you.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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