Don’t Work In Abstractions When You Have A Hammer

The Center for Inquiry (CFI) is upset about someone not thinking in Oklahoma:

A dangerous bill in the Oklahoma legislature would create a de facto blasphemy law for public school teachers, severely punishing them for teaching anything that conflicts with any student’s religious beliefs, and advocates for reason and secularism stand ready to challenge the law in court should it pass. Today, the Center for Inquiry (CFI) sent notice that if Oklahoma State Senator Rob Standridge’s “Students’ Religious Belief Protection Act” becomes law, CFI will see to it that the law is struck down as a blatant violation of the First Amendment.

But I have to wonder if threatening to take the State to Court really is the best course. I suggest that they write an alternative letter that suggests CFI will fund anyone willing to sue under this proposed law, regardless of their religious affiliation, over anything.

Say, when someone else sues because their delicate sensibilities have been bruised, CFI will also sue – the same teacher – for any offered apologies and mea culpas.

This Standridge brute would swiftly come under fire, some of it literal, for denuding all the schools, public and private, of the teachers.

And it would make the blundering foolishness of incorporating singularly religious values into state law visceral. The swirling madness of religion that so many think is right would be a pie to the face for a change. And get the law, if ever passed, repealed.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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