And Why Not? It Could Be Fun!

WaPo reports on the latest remarks from former President Trump:

Former president Donald Trump on Tuesday advocated a new focus for congressional investigators: why then-Vice President Mike Pence did not take steps on Jan. 6, 2021, to reject electoral college votes from several states won by Joe Biden.

Trump’s exhortation came two days after he created an uproar with a statement suggesting Pence should have “overturned” the election as he presided over the counting of electoral college votes by Congress.

In a fresh statement Tuesday, Trump offered a more nuanced take on what he would have liked to have seen from Pence, saying he “could have sent the votes back to various legislators for reassessment after so much fraud and irregularities were found.”

And you know what? I think Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Schumer (D-NY) should offer the Republicans the opportunity to form their own Select Panel to investigate the former Vice President.

Make them vote on it.

Watch them squirm.

Because if they vote for it, they stay in the former President’s good graces while shit-canning the former Vice President. He’ll have been implicitly rejected by both Trump and the Republican establishment. His supporters will be mortally offended and never vote Republican again, or at least not for the MAGA-oafs.

And if they vote against establishing such a panel, every NO! vote will be considered a betrayal of  the former President, and both he and the MAGA cult will never forgive them.

And on top of that, every legal expert in the country will tell us that there’s nothing to find. Pence’s role was purely ceremonial. All of the faux-controversy over the votes was finished. The conclusion of such a panel will be that Pence never had the opportunity to indulge in such a betrayal of the nation.

Go on, Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer. You know you want to.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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