This is perhaps one of the best illustrations of Trump’s rank incompetence, from Gabriel Sherman at Vanity Fair:
In recent days, as Trump’s bid to overturn the election became increasingly desperate, he expressed anarchist comments in private, a second Republican close to the White House told me. The Republican said Trump told people that he wanted David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler to lose the Georgia Senate runoff election as a way of punishing them and Mitch McConnell. “Trump told people he is really angry that the senators and McConnell hadn’t stood up for him to challenge the election. He’s happy they lost.” According to the Republican, Trump has said he’ll be the most dominant force in Republican politics if there’s no party leadership.
No doubt Trump thinks he’ll end up with control of a potent political force, the vaunted Republican Party.
He won’t.
He’ll end up with a spent, flaccid political force, ravaged by the moral and political depravity that he, in concert with its toxic team politics tenet, has forced upon it. It’s sort of like the salting of Carthage, but in reverse.
First he defeated the defenders, then he salted the earth, making it infertile, and then he squatted among the ruins, proclaiming, It’s all mine!
See, dude, you just ruined your prize by pissing on it. Oh, there you did it again! And again! Yeah, you never learn. See all those ants running away from it? Yeah, dude, those are ex-Republicans and it’s a flood –
No no no not again dude!