Worshiping The Almighty Dollar

Our era’s Teapot Dome scandal, as summarized by Professor Richardson:

… a number of senior administration officials and lawmakers from both parties are worried that the White House is fast-tracking a business deal worth billions of dollars in what is essentially a no-bid contract to a company associated with Republican operatives, including Karl Rove. The company, Rivada, wants to lease the Department of Defense’s mid-band spectrum. This spectrum is wildly valuable for the 5G market, the next-generation mobile network. Pentagon leaders are opposed to the deal since the military uses that spectrum, and they say they have not been able to study the effect of commercial use of the spectrum on military readiness. Pentagon lawyers say the White House has no authority to sell or lease its spectrum. Lawmakers of both parties oppose the deal. One senior official told CNN, “Something is really fishy about this.”

That, folks, would be known as a gusher for all the investors in Rivada, and it sounds like they’re trying to tickle that trout into their net, doesn’t it? This is emblematic of the mistake of thinking government is a business. It is is not, it is simply government, responsible for safeguarding the citizenry. When people with dollar signs in their eyes try to run it, this is what happens.

They think it’s a feast.

It’s time to get out and vote for professionals, the serious people who understand that government isn’t the enemy, but the servant of the people. It’s not a cave full of riches, but a place to serve honorably. It’s incidents like this which symbolize the debasement of the right: the prosperity churches, the relentless talk of money by Trump, and the loathing of procedures and norms developed over decades to stifle corruption.

And explains why so many moderate Republicans are endorsing Biden for President.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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