If You Value Social Security

Here’s another nail in the coffin of Trump reelection hopes – if Democrats can educate the American public on the connection between payroll taxes and Social Security:

Ellis is a Trump lawyer, from what I read. Her announcement is basically the death-knell of Social Security, if Trump is reelected with a compliant Republican Congress. Counting the days to retirement, are you, like a few of my friends are doing?

Better have a damn big retirement account. My guess is that Trump and his complaisant Republicans would happily raid the Social Security accounts in a vain attempt to balance the Federal books, and leave seniors and the retired a good look at living on the streets.

Or committing suicide.

And this is not out of the blue. Trump has been holding up the latest effort at propping up the unemployed over his desire to temporarily reduce the payroll tax, which, in my view, is not likely to be of much help to anyone who’s unemployed. It appears that his bugaboo is more important than the citizens of the United States.

But if the Democrats can bring into focus the connection between payroll taxes and Social Security, Ellis’ announcement, as excited as it sounds, might be another rock around Trump’s neck and he splashes about in the pool.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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