Belated Movie Reviews

Blow, boys, blow, your audience is all the way across the continent!

Something to Sing About (1937) is a light-hearted tale of a New York City hoofer, Terry Rooney, taking his talents to Hollywood, leaving his band – and his fiancee – behind. When, at the end of his first movie, he feels like a failure, he flies his fiancee to Hollywood, marries her as she comes off the plane, and they take a long honeymoon in the South Seas.

Meanwhile, his movie becomes a smash, and the studio is nearly melting down when they can’t find Rooney to sign to a long term contract. When Rooney, Mr. & Mrs., finally return, a riot occurs when he’s recognized by the public.

The serpentine coils of Hollywood now become clear as it’s commercially impolitic to let the world know that heart throb Rooney is married, and his new wife is ready to play along in the interests of building a financially secure future, but they both find the charade wearing. And then when a gossip columnist claims Rooney is actually about to marry his ridiculous co-star … !

It comes down to following one’s heart, staying honest, and making spectacular entrances in the several dance numbers to which we are treated – or must endure if dance isn’t your thing. Anything profound is carefully covered in frosting, and it’s a lot of fun if you like licking frosting.


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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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