You’ll need some special help to enjoy this movie. I’d start with an intoxicant, then a buddy to help you make fun of the guy in a gorilla suit, wearing a diving helmet circa 1920. The buddy will also come in handy for the bubble machine which accompanies the guy in the gorilla suit’s communications with his home planet, which involves a lot of hand-waving, forceful orders about calculations and errors, and, you know, miserable kow-towing by the guy dispatched to wipe out the inhabitants of Earth.
Oh, and the movie? Robot Monster (1953). Plum full of laughable special effects, some of the worst dialog ever, and a plot which is basically the dream of a young boy who’s been in an accident and is seeing a world in which there are 5, no, 8, no, 6 human survivors, we zip around crazily from a little girl who, in the face of Armageddon, really just wants to play house, her brother the brave but overwhelmed defender, their older, nubile sister, lusted after by fellow survivor & science guy Roy, as well as the aforementioned Robot Monster, aka Ro-Man, and … need I go on? Oh, I must, I see. Well, let me just mention that when the older sister is being carried away by Ro-Man in order to extinguish her, you can actually see her smiling and even laughing. It’s a bit like those Godzilla movies where the extras hired to run away from the Big G can be seen to be madly giggling as the city comes down around their ears.
The screen flashes with some sort of special effect for no particular reason. Popcorn becomes dessicated and barren as you ingest it. Your faith in the honorable profession of invading monsters is crushed. You’ll need therapy afterwards!
This is the sort of movie where the intoxicant is used to wash out your mouth and other orifices, not to enhance the effect of the movie.
Oh, you know you want to. Here you go.