Does Everyone Burnout?

As I sat here tiredly digging through the news like any good citizen, I realized I’m feeling a little burned out by the whole political scene. And then I wondered if that’s true of just those who believe Trump is completely unqualified to lead this nation (quick, who said “Trump’s a moron!” while he was working for him in government!), or if the Trump true-believers also tire of him.

And then I ran across this from WaPo’sFact Checker column today:

“We have 25,000 people showing up to speeches.”

False. None of Trump’s post-election rallies attracted 25,000 people; most have been under 10,000.

That’s so interesting, isn’t it? Sure, 10,000 people is a lot of people – but it’s not really a noteworthy number, now is it? After all, he’s the President, he’s going to make America great again, people go gaga over him and demand God bless him[1]. Shouldn’t they be flocking to him in droves?

They don’t.

Maybe the Trump base tires of his childish prattle and grasping ways as much as we do. Polls show approval is heading back down. Judge Kavanaugh doesn’t have overwhelming support from the general populace, indicating more wariness of President Trump’s judgment.

Well, I’m still tired of him.

1A phrase I view with great fear, for if I’m wrong and there is a god, someday he’s going to get tired of being ordered to bless people and ZOT something will happen to one of the pious few, and I can only hope I’m not nearby.

Yes, I’m being facetious about there being a God. The rest I really do believe – ordering God to bless someone must be the height of hubris. Or is God just our little slave boy?

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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