Things I Miss On Twitter, Ctd

Of course, one day after not ruing using Twitter comes a story, told on Twitter, that tells how President Obama said goodbye to an assistant staff secretary leaving for a new job. Here’s the link to the tweets. I didn’t quite tear up, but I do like it. And it exemplifies how President Obama treats people. I’ll skip the compare and contrast.

It’s a reminder that there are stories and there are mediums for the stories. Some mediums are better for certain stories than for others. This was a quick, sentimental hit that happens to reveal how President Obama cares for people, from a quick goodbye and good luck to someone moving on. The medium needn’t be words, as the pic on the left demonstrates. We know he’s paying homage to another service member making the long, last trip to their hometown.

I still won’t use Twitter. It’s a ridiculous format, too many badly told stories, it’ll induce ADD. But the occasional dip on the advice of someone braver than I? Fine. In this case, WaPo provided some backstory, and here’s the link to that. But the Tweets are really enough.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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